Post by The Legendary Ice Dragon on Aug 3, 2012 0:36:33 GMT -5
Joe is supposed to be plot important but not till this next chapter was it supposed to really kick in, thats why his bio hasnt been changed much. And there is a DnD version of 9hearts. If you dont want a main story to this then ill change it for that and let everyone run wild with it. And inkshade, we had a magic system setup before this was even started but people had good ideas so i implemented them, im sorry you didnt like that but i thought it was a great idea. I just wanted to tell a cool story that wasn't entirely focused on the characters like alot of rp's i see because that gets boring if everyone of them is like that. As for a breather on the rp? we took bascily the last 8 months of a breather with barely anything getting done at all.
That being said ive also been very busy with work getting 40 hours a week 6-7 days a week since February ive finally gotten some breathing room in the last month to get stuff done i haven't done in a long time.
I NEED to know if we want to still do this because i dont want to waste my time with this. If this is the case ill post a final chapter of what happens at the end of the RP so those of us that did want to know what went down can know.
Post by Noble 6 on Aug 3, 2012 14:34:56 GMT -5
Oh hell no!!! Don't u friggen dare do that. If anything hand over ownership. This is like one of my favorite rps I've gotten a lighter work load so I can post more often now.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 4, 2012 1:18:16 GMT -5
I was told this was to be kind a Harry Potter esque RPG.
I wasn't aware it was Harry Potter as envisioned by Michael Bay. No offense but...that's basically what you're saying you want. All flash and bang and no pacing.
If this is a situational event RPG, why was this not said at the start? Why allow for people to go out of their way to make lots of guys and plan these deep stories if your design is to make it so? Didn't you think some of us might have come in wanting that from this?
I'm sorry but I do find that kind of misleading.
I'm considering writing out my extendeds as it's something of a waste of time having so much now. just keep it student, teachers the bad guys and maybe Felix...and just see what you do.
I do want to do this...but...I'm not sure how to proceed now.
EDIT: And do you want to know where all these opinions of mine came from? Why I think an RPG does need some time to breathe.
I have a RPG that moved a bit too fast at one point and it made several people get lost and quit, especially one in particular who I admit I messed up with and ruined the experience for.
And the person was you Outer.
I learned from my mistake in time but I admit I was kinda dismissive of your plight (though I do stand by my opinon that making a singular plot to give one character some time to get back into the swing of thing when the plot is...characters get back into the swing of things a bit redundant) I could have done it better.
I pray you don't make my mistake Outer, and for the record I am sorry I did burn you then.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 4, 2012 11:45:40 GMT -5
Having reread this with a clearer mind and a cup of coffee I notice one more disturbing thing.
Write the final chapter and tell us how it ends?
That implies something of a set in stone scripted ending.
Please tell me that's not the case, because if that is and we're just going through motions...motions that won't involve at least some form of deep character development, to a pre planned ending...then...what are we contributing to the RPG as players?
What's my goal at the end of this? Yeah I often get that the creator's lead character(s) will have something big to contribute to the final battle and is likely going to be key in victory but...that is an understood implication. You however take the mystery away when you say you know how it ends.
For the record I know not how Fates nor BB will end.
I don't even know if any of my leads will be as they are in the end of Fates, it's that ambiguous. I have ideas but I'll see how things unfold. Might come up with something new or better based on player input. Hell for all I know it'll come down to Id to save the world.
I'm hoping I'm not reading too much into that Ice, but it's a big thing when a player loses freedom of influence in an RPG story.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 4, 2012 23:48:19 GMT -5
Good example:
You go through the world of Balance, recruit all the characters, Locke, Cyna, Strago, Mog...y'know...all those guys. You grow attached to them through their perils and actions and you reach the floating continent, it all goes to shit and Kefka wins, jacking up the Earth.
Did you know in the world of ruin that you can take the 3 characters you must have to progress in the world of ruin (Setzer, Celes and Edgar) Level them up to high hell and just march into Kefka's tower and beat the game?
Tricky...sure, but it's doable.
But it also negate all the character development, plot, intrigue and heart of the name not to reunite with all the other cast members. Hell, you can beat the game without the main character, Terra. (The game forces her to swing by, being compelled by Kefka's death or something)
Does that sound like fun? On a level for a challenge sure but what of all those other characters? Will Cyan ever make peace with his family's death? Will Terra finally understand Love? Will Locke and Celes find their happiness together?
Naw, too busy grinding to make these three guys into god crushing magic killing machines. Too busy for story.
It turns the game into something soulless and empty.
That's what it feels 9h might be becoming...or dare I say might have been this whole time.
Though if the ending is set...immutable I might be better of using the Mass Effect 3 ending analogy.
Again...I'm not trying to bash, i can't stress that enough...I can't. I want this RP to live but...this is basically an elaborate customer service report. I'm not trying to bash you guys or anything.
But it feels like anything I've done is...pointless. And it kills me because my 9h mains are some of my best character work ont his site I think. Nabiki and Roy...I love what they are and what they've become...but...character development is boring...that's what one of the mods of the RPG said. All my work...meaningless.
I'm hurt. I'm honestly hurt by the implication
Post by The Legendary Ice Dragon on Aug 5, 2012 5:00:22 GMT -5
The final chapter is not set in stone. its hard to explain without spoiling things, but the original writing of the story had one ending, and i decided that it was stupid to have an ending set in stone so i changed it a long time ago, but based on what has happend in the rp i can redo it from the original to what it would be now based on what everyone has done.
this was supposed to be more like an rpg with a harry potter spin, i didnt know exactly where this was going to go when i started this rp, and im along for the ride with everyone else, but based on what ive seen happen in other rp's on other sites including this one i dont want 50 pages of nothing actualy being done, its like filler in an anime. Some people like it some dont, I understand that people want to make their characters more indepth so i created another section of 9hearts just for that. And what happends? NOTHING its barely used and im faced with upset people that want to do exactly what i setup in that separate section, im sure your thinking that doesnt actually make any sense YOUR RIGHT! it doesnt make sense and often i ignore it i dont do it on purpose but its like this
you put up a sign to show where the bathroom is, people then ask you where it is even though its obvious, and then they piss on the wall anyway...
Breathing room? we had nothing really get done 1 year later nothing relevant has actually happened that steers the main plot this whole last chapter was a tossin it wasnt in my orignal plan ive dropped 2 chapters of the original story drop more! Because im afriad that we wont finish this rp at all, i t think character development is important but like i said before i made a different section for it 9 hearts story is kinda like a series of books that tell different parts of the same story and this here was supposed to be the cream of the crop for the story.
now im sure later im going to read this and think wow im retarded or wow i was an ass. its because im running on barely any sleep from the last 4 days due to family issues.
Post by Inkshade on Aug 5, 2012 9:25:36 GMT -5
Well, I think we can all agree at least that we've learned a few things here. There isn't really a good way to sucessfully mix what you were looking for, and what the other RPs are. Adding the seperate sections was a good idea to try to fix it, but clearly it isn't working. And I attribute that to the fact that it made several timelines for the same universe going on all at once and that just feel uncomfortable. It brings up the possibilities for continuity errors and paradoxes and you'll have issues.
another thing to note is, sure, it takes 10 pages to get through something sometimes, but a lot of the time those ten pages happen in a very short period of time. and when it doesn't, well that's just how it is, you can't expect everything to go quickly. We'd spend just as much time on your things too, maybe even more.
I think the bigest problem I've noticed after looking at the problems and trying to think of a way to prevent this from happening again, is that since we weren't told in the begining that you had a more rigid plotline, obviously others are feeling they can't do what they would like with their characters and that they have to follow your plot. That's God modding. I'm 100% positive that was not anyone's intent and no on is in trouble, but that is what it really is. As a result I'm going to talk with aura about some modifications to the rules. Something akin to having to specify if the RP is 'traditional' or more of a D&D sort of thing.
because the problem is obviously just that. Half of us want to have other drama, and the other half want it to be rigid.
Here's my opinion: I don't see why we can't do both. I honestly don't see why we can't have our side things, and your main plot, coexisting in harmony. In all the other RP's it has worked so that the mod's idea for a plotline has been able to still work with everyone else's.
When aura and I make an RP, yeah, we plan out plot points and cool things to happen, but we never map out the entire major plot. And the major plot points we do make we are able to adjust for others and still use. Take in Miyazaki for example: Originally, Mikomi was supposed to be more of a main villain, but when Malzahar came in I decided he was a better main villain than her. You know its sort of like why you two are so mad that the rest of us aren't modifying our bios. How can we come up with so many characters and not modify their bios to add new powers? Well for us it's like : How can you guys put so much thought into this RP without being able to be flexible for the rest of us with the plot. And in my opnion, thos only reason our side plots are taking more of the spotlight, is because so far, the only bits of your plot you've given us are tests, a field trip, and the occasional pop in of Snape, with very little acctual insight to where you're going with it. We have no choice but to do our own thing. I feel like your villains aren't very...involved in the story at all at this point. I mean...you don't have to wait for us to finish our plot to bring in some of yours. There's no reason why Zain, Nabiki and Kami couldn't be on a date, and it's interupted by a Snape attack. Or hell, Noble and Dy's entire baby thing! How awesome would that have been if while Nerina was giving birth the school was attacked or something? I think it would have been very dramatic. and cool.
I guess my bottom line is it's not just our fault our plots are taking over. You could give us a bit more for the main plot. And they can coexist, just...your plot has to be there too in order for that to happen. I understand you have been a bit flexible as you said in your post Joe, but I get the impression you don't want to incorperate it with the other plots. I just don't get why they can't all be going on together. I also don't know why we need to have separate areas for our plots. it feels like your pushing them to the side and saying 'whatever, do your side stuff over here in these flashbacks, just do what we say in the main threads.' I don't think that needs to happen.
If we could let the plots coexist like they do in all the other RP's in this next part, I think we can make this work.
-just to put it out there, I personally think the damage system should go. It just makes it harder to come up with moves because you have to figure out damage and I think with the magic system having expanded with the styles and other elements, it over-complicates things. That's just my opinion and something I wouldn't mind you two to consider.
...ok I think that's everything...lol
*EDIT*: HOLY SHIT! this was a LOT longer than I thought haha! heh, sorry guys.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 5, 2012 12:27:52 GMT -5
Nothing's been done because no one was posting. That's not breathing room, that's dead air.
Breathing room is "Well guys, we just beat back the bad guys, Bob and frank are hurt, the rest of us are tired. Let's sit back and recover and prepare for next time." And character development ensues.
Dead Air is
nothing happening at all.
I mean...why can't the low times BE us developing and learning these moves. Playing off each other and maybe being inspired by the student characters interacting with the teacher characters or each other. Hell maybe Noble as Artorus can think of a better ultimate move for Roy than I could?
I mean Ink has it right...Hell, that was the point of...might as well just say it, not like it'll happen live...Mordred was to kill Kojiro at the year end party I asked about and was told would happen in front of everyone.
Do a major villain moment to end this part and give some depth to the bad guys. Make it a bit more personal than "Ooohh...that Snape."
It's gonna happen off screen. Ryuji was to start year 2 heir of his clans rule and brotherless...that was to lead into things...though what it will lead into I dunno. But I'm starting that the way I wanted. He's killed just before the school year starts right in front of Ryuji cuz...Nabiki's off with either Zain or Kami and there were having some bro time I guess. The oni minus Ryuji and Nabiki are pulled out to prepare for what may come, no Nobunaga or Masamune in year 2 except if we need people in a big fight scene. If Nabiki's presence elsewhere is a problem with Outer or Ink I dunno, talk to me in PM's I'll make something else up if that's the case.
That's me doing things off screen so the plot can be advanced. Three guys poof and a lull of plot development and story. Dropped as suggested.
Please take that in a moment and ask if that sits well with you. Ask how that might have been if we experienced it. See Mordred hunched over Kojiro's body, laughing at the heroes, taunting them that this is a taste of what's to come from Snape and co. before warping away. See the shock and pain run through the characters as they see the oni fall to their knees in mourning. See Ryuji push Nerina's attempts to comfort him aside as he storms off enraged. Nabiki crumpled in a heap weeping in front of Kami, Zain and Kris.
That's what we could have had, as promised by Outer when I asked (and was why I made Kojiro in the first place). I know you said do it in the Summer thread in our PM chat Outer, but no. The point was lost the moment we time skipped and dead stopped for 8 months. The point missed.
This is my solution. Tell me if it's right or wrong. I'll be looking over my other characters, seeing who I want...oh and I dunno if I am using my werewolf girl after all.
EDIT: I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to be a drama queen. I am doing what you asked me to do...and I am doing it to show you what you've asked from the stand point of the people RPing in 9 Harts with you two.
I'm upset i've had to go this far but look at what I've done to myself. Months of planning and work...to add to and enrich the story tossed aside...because it's not prat of the main plot. Even though it could have been if given the chance. I put my heart into this and...what was the point?
Post by The Legendary Ice Dragon on Aug 5, 2012 17:04:31 GMT -5
just because its not part of the main plot doesnt mean i dont want it there.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 5, 2012 18:36:18 GMT -5
But the flashback section isn't getting the attention we hoped it would because it might conflict with the main story.
But the main story has done a time skip.
But I was promised this character moment by one of the two people running this RP moment, which is why I made the character in the first place.
But i don't know what will happen if I try to do something since we deemed the birth of magically fast aging babies skipable so what else won't we skip?
I'm sorry, I'm frustrated because it can't be there.
We didn't do it.
One of you said we would.
So I made a bio.
I established the guy so you'd know 'Ok he's an ok guy, wel liekd and all'.
And when I was thinking on the other things we'd do at the ceremony once the babies were done with....
And that's likely why my bios were not tweaked.
I was waiting for answers.
I lost my drive. I tried doing things in the Summer thing, I did...but...
I was denied something I was promised. The moment did not happen. the point was to do it at the school in front of everyone. A murder in front of their eyes no one could stop to add depth to Snape's evil. They'll kill anyone they can at anytime.
but I can do that in the summer thread...
Or not.
So this is my resolution.
My answer is to trim the fat and go on. If this is the structure all I can do is go from moment to moment and play it though as best as time allows. It'll just be easier if I do it in a minimalist fashion. After all...time marches on.
Post by outerlimits on Aug 5, 2012 19:10:20 GMT -5
Alright, I'm just going to say quite a few things right here and right now.
First off, Dynamax, you need to calm down. Everything you've said in the last three posts you've done is a lot of melodramatic, over-the-top, unnecessary rambling and drama. It's true. Just saying "I'm not trying to be mean, a drama queen, etc." doesn't make what you're saying, you know, not that. And there's a couple reasons why you still have plenty of opportunity to do all the things you're now claiming you can "no longer do":
1.) There never was a time skip from the end of the school year. It was a time skip from chapter 2 to chapter 3 of about 2-3 months. Chapter 2 was in February. Chapter 3 is at the end of May, beginning of June. The end of Chapter 3 is still at that time period.
2.) The summer thread is the months of June, July, and August. Everything that happens in there is cannon. Everyone's characters, as far as I can tell, still exist during that thread.
3.) Mordred, Kojiro, Nerina, Nabiki, Masamune, and Ryuji are all your characters. I'm going to be honest with you right now Dynamax, I literally have no recollection of the thing you were gonna do with killing off Kojiro. I've probably gotten at least 100+ messages since then if you talked with me about it 8 months ago.
4.) This is pretty blunt what I'm about to say, but if it was really as important to you as you're making it sound right now, to do something big and dramatic as you kill off one of your characters, something that I know Joe and I would totally support but must've just forgotten about, then you should have pmed us immediately before the end of chapter 3 and attempted to contact us heavily with this information that this was something you wanted to do. You can't say that we didn't give you an opportunity to do something like this when you didn't act like it was really important to you for it to happen.
I understand where you two are coming from, Ink and Dynamax, but this is basically becoming a gigantic blamefest.
Regardless of how you word it, both of you are basically saying that it is mine and Joe's fault that you don't want to post ever in this RP. I'm going to look at a few of your "reasons" and explain some things about them.
---------------"We don't allow proper character development or allow you do off-things with your characters that don't necessarily contribute to the main plot."
~~~~~~ This isn't true. Plain and simple. Go look back at Chapter 1. After you guys introduced your characters and we got past the whole dealio with Star of Transcendence, the rest of Chapter 1 is essentially this. A whole lot of character development. It's the start of Isaac's distrust of Leah. The start of Mortus and Lance's friendship. The start of Kris and Illyana's relationship. The start of Roy's crush on Leah. The start of Sapphire and Rami's friendship. The introduction of Kami to Nabiki. The start of Zain's rocky start with getting to know everyone before eventually becoming the more confident person he is now. Chapter 1 is a whole entire slew of character development.
Chapter 2 is a good 39 pages of this as well. If anything, Chapter 2 is a giant filler chapter where the only real things that happen are the introduction of the new Nature teacher for you guys and the elimination of the evil spirit that was possessing Kris. Also it was the start of Malus' great dislike of Joe.
Chapter 3 is undoubtedly 92 pages that represent 4-5 days in RP time. It's just a lot of matches for the finals against everyone's characters. There's some good development in there too, but not as much as in the other chapters. Throughout chapter 3 Joe and i kept trying to get other people from outside the site to join in, but that kept not working, so you'll see probably about 10 characters that never appear again in there.
Chapter 3 is also the location of one thing I did that I would like to take a moment to apologize for, and that is mess with the birth of Nerina and Ryuji's children. Artorus was being cornered into revealing he was Kris' older brother. While that was going on, I was in a rather bad mood around the time that was happening, and found it sort of ridiculous how Dynamax's character knew what Artorus was thinking. To me, it felt like anytime Noble posted something about his character thinking something, Dynamax's character instantly knew what it was he was thinking. At the time, I was in general fed up with a couple other things relating to that, partially my own inability to jump back into Fates, partly some annoyances with Miyazaki, partly some annoyances with Clank, and I felt like this was something I didn't feel like seeing happen yet again. So I abused the fact that I could control Merlin throughout this chapter and to just mess with whatever it is you guys were doing there. In regards to this, I apologize. It was, simply put, not my place to do something like that in that way.
In another related, albeit significantly less intentional, matter, another point had Roy attempting to get Kris and Illyana back together again because of some couples problems that you guys have mentioned. Something about clones and hijinks/shenanigans, etc. I ended up having Merlin just teleport you all to his office and talk to you. It sort of ruined whatever you had set up there. In this instance, I did that simply because I thought it'd be cool if the wise old Merlin tried to sort out the problems of the youth in his own goofy way. No one told me you had something planned there, so I ended up messing with it. However, if what you guys say is true about "having main ideas but letting things change as other people do things", this basically means that what I did was perfectly acceptable by having another legitimate character interact with a scene that was going on. So, getting angry at me for doing that seems rather hypocritical since you are all saying you want Joe and I to allow those kind of things to happen. Double standard here people.
You can't say you want us to just throw away what we had planned for plot-relevant things of the RP and let you guys do your own things when you are willing to make the same kinds of concessions.
And you can't say "why can't we have both?" when it really is both. Regardless of everything that has happened in the past in this RP, no one has taken the real initiative to start anything in the "Summer" thread.
I don't care that you guys think it's an "off topic" or "not relevant" thread, but in all honesty, "Summer" is really more like "Chapter 4". Joe and I don't want to move on to the next chapter until everyone has finished editing their character bios and doing everything they would want their characters to have done over the summer break between chapter 3 and chapter 4.
-----------------------------"You don't even really have a main plot. We don't know what's going on, the villains don't have much of a point to the story, etc etc"
~~~~~~~~ The reason the villains don't have much of a point in the story yet is because we haven't gotten the world of Nine Hearts set up yet for the major thing that will happen that makes the villains suddenly that much more major in everyone's lives.
A storm's brewing guys. Everything that's happened up to this point has been the calm before the storm. The attack on the school by my villain and a couple others either in Chapter 2 or 1 was just a precursor. Chapter 3 was called Ocean's Breeze for a reason, a reason we never really got to explain fully.
If you remember in Chapter 3, Joe and I had some characters come in to watch the finals that were from another school in the Nine Hearts universe. They were from "Ocean Academy".
What you were supposed to find out, but we never really got to it since no one ever did anything in the "Summer" thread, was that Ocean Academy was attacked by Snape and all the other villains and, consequently, destroyed. This was going to cause some more political turmoil as Snape and his followers start to escalate their activities to higher and higher levels of violence.
We haven't got to that yet though because we thought it was better to give you guys some time to edit your bios and do character development, hence the "Summer" thread. Plus, you know, you had all been complaining about lack of character-development opportunities throughout all of chapter 3.
So that's those two things. One big misunderstanding is you all think that because "Summer" is in the side plot section that it's not actually, you know, "important". Because it is. Obviously. So maybe you could move it to the other sections Inkshade to make that more obvious?
While I'm on that, one thing I'm not going to do is change important, unique aspects of this RP to make it more like all the other RPs on this site. Like the damage system. I don't think that the damage system is a problem in this RP. The problem is each of you have said, repeatedly and explicitly, that you don't want to take the time to edit your character's bios or think up damage numbers for your attacks.
I'm sorry, but that's just laziness. And it's insulting. I'm not going to change something in this RP just because you all don't "want" to take some time to do this. It took me less than an hour for each of my 4 characters I edited in my bios. The only reason I didn't do it all in one day is because I didn't want to do them all at once, so I did them at my own pace.
Doing things at your own pace makes sense. Doing nothing over 3 months because you can't be bothered to put some effort into it or you don't want to ask for help from Joe or I makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. That's not our fault. That's yours.
So with all that out of the way, here's some proposals I have to make things easier for everyone involved.
1.) When we start Chapter 4, do it like how BB, Fates, and Clank are being done, with one major thread for it and sub-threads inside it for different locations, characters, events, etc. This will help everything stay organized and non-cluttered and allow you to "have 10 pages to have two characters go on a date or something" without it taking up space in the actual, plot-relevant portions of the chapter.
On that note, Joe and I really, really, really don't like people taking up 10 pages of back and forth talk between each other that is just them "going on a date" or "eating breakfast". It's kind of ridiculous. I don't want to outlaw, because that's also just as silly, but maybe you could set up with the other person ahead of time and just condence it to a couple posts? Like what Ink and CP did for their last fight in the finals against each other at the end of chapter 3?
2.) Make it so not every character needs attacks, damage values, etc. If it's a character you plan to fight a lot with, you have to have those things on their bio. If it isn't one of those characters, then just have some more general information and their relevance. If they end up fighting, then just make up stuff on the spot and go with it.
I think this will help you guys with your need to have lots of characters while still letting us have our need to have detailed, statistical bios for the ones we expect to be fighting the most often.
3.) Talk to other people who will be around your character if you're about to do something big with someone else and their characters that you want to have happen uninterrupted.
This is a problem that has happened to everyone at a least once and I think this is simply the best way to handle it. If you fail to do this, then you can't complain when things don't go exactly the way you wanted them to.
4.) Joe and I will try to update you guys more with what's going on in the plot.
I understand you don't want some plotline Joe and I came up with to dominate and govern everything and I'm okay with that. But regardless of what you want your guys to do, Nine hearts is a world with a lot of "NPCs" that Joe and I will create and it will go on with or without your characters interactions. So, if we start having stuff happen and no one jumps in, we'll just keep you guys up to date so you know what's going on.
In that same regard, nothing in this RP is set in stone storyline-wise. Don't make the mistake of thinking that. But since a lot of plot-relevant characters are controlled by Joe and I, we will be doing things similar to you guys that progress current events that you may want to keeps eyes on.
5.) Joe and I will try to keep the RP at a slower pace so you all have more time for character interactions/development.
That's a pretty simple request you guys keep asking for that we can pull off. Obviously having a separate thread for flasbacks isn't enough, so if we do my first point/suggestion, this will allow things to be easier for you all in this kind of regard while still allowing from main-plot progression.
Alright, my post is done. This is all a mouthful and I'm not leaving a TL:DR, so you best have read it all.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 5, 2012 21:46:58 GMT -5
yes stuff does happen...but it has to happen working around your plot. And then when the plot dies down things started timeskip...The thing with Kojiro wasn't the first.
I had two dates with Zain planned with Nabiki...things with kris to build on that love triangle...and it's hard to dot hat after every skip and act like there's been development because we have tried talking over what happened in PM's and it seems hollow and empty.
The frustrating thing is...we know the main story of the arcs. You're very clear with them. Which is why we planned on doing the other things...once the main point of the arc is done.
A lot of what you pointed out was the threads of those plots being weaved in and out of your main plots. Chapter 2...I kept hinting 'date once all this is done' with Kris and Zain both reacting.
So we go along, doing out thing while laying the groundwork for this. Both men vying for her attention and a clear answer....
And it's eventually given.
And issues arise
And the opinions change
And then the main plot goes into full swing
And we play along
And it's over.
"Ok so how about that *six month time skip*"
And no Outer. When you can't keep track of plot threads you've talked about with people and agreed on, it's your fault as the one running the show.
Just like it was my fault I didn't give you a chance to breath in fates. I don't blame you, I don't blame Ink. That was 100% MY fault, hand to god.
but i also recall you only said something after the fact then too.
And I reacted like a jerk.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 6, 2012 3:21:13 GMT -5
I'm removing myself from this discussion
I can't type anything without being angry and offended.
Ink tell me how it goes. I'd like to know how much my fault this is that neither ice nor outer never made any point since May...4 when chapter 3 ended (And chapter 4's link made like a day or two later) how important summer was and why originally it was said to put it in the flashbacks section and no one until now said it was anything important or needed to be puled out of flashbacks.
That's me stating my problem will the accusation as nicely as I can right now. I only left in the dripping sarcasm because it's as least showing how I feel without devolving into something i don't want it to be.
i was never trying to hurt you guys, I just wanted to help. i'm sorry that's a bad thing.
But maybe learn to swallow the bitter truth for what it is in the future.
With that...I'll just read what goes on and see what you all decide.
Post by outerlimits on Aug 6, 2012 13:48:01 GMT -5
I'm going to leave my other post up there, but this is a direct re-imagining of that and an apology.
First off, Dynamax, don't remove yourself man. You have legitimate complaints and a right to be angry.
Once again I find myself plagued by frustration on the matter of how to deal and interact with you personally and it has boiled over in me being a jerk.
So I want to apologize about what I said, much as you have apologized to me. It was touching to hear what you said there, but it ended up getting drowned out with the subsequent ramblings you went on afterward.
That's something you have to admit. They are a lot of ramblings and you just repeating the same thing. I get what you're problem is.
Firstly, you feel like this RP is going to fast like Fates was and it's making you guys unable to keep up with all of your characters. You feel like the numerous time skips have made it so you are unable to do sufficient amounts of character interaction and development, along with key events you'd like to have happens, such as Mordred murdering Kojiro.
Honestly, that's really about freaking it. You really really really really really really really really wanted this to happen in EXACTLY the way you wanted it to happen in front of EVERYONE with all of this planning, and it got screwed up because we timeskipped.
What I should have said before, but didn't, was that I wouldn't have timeskipped if I had remembered that that was something you wanted to do. However, I didn't. If you had PMed me at the end of Chapter 3 as a reminder that this was something you wanted to do, I wouldn't have timeskipped. However, you didn't.
And I apologize for this. But there really isn't anything I can do to fix that short of just erasing everything in the summer thread, rewinding time to right after the finals finished up, and letting you do what you wanted to do.
Is that what you want Joe and I to do? I'm not being cynical or sarcastic, it's a legitimate question. Would that fix a lot of what you're having a problem with?
As for your other characters, I just want to clarify something. I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again:
You really only need to update the bios of the characters you plan to fight with a lot. So, that's more like updating just Roy, Nabiki, and Malus' bios. You're 3 "main characters" so to speak.
I realize this RP has taken more of an "RPG/DnD" turn here, which I also realize was not what you all signed up for.
Unfortunately, that's how it is now. Getting rid of all those things to make this RP like all the other RPs on the site would kill a lot of what makes this RP different and unique.
And that doesn't really affect me. No, I'm just a co-mod here. Joe is the true mastermind behind this RP and everything in here, from plot to magics to races, was all his idea. I just try to implement it in a way that makes more sense than how he presents it to me.
So we really couldn't get rid of these things. They're already kind of here and would ruin what Joe has wanted. I mean, could we get rid of the damage system? Honestly, we probably could. I don't really want to, since it has a lot of benefits that improve fighting in this RP (in particular I just want to point out the fight between Zain and Isaac that, because damage and durability was left up to the people controlling the characters, that fight ended up having to end in a coin toss decision since neither one wanted to lose).
So that's that Dynamax. Hopefully you won't just stop posting in here and actually come back. I really do appreciate you making the effort, despite your home and internet problems, to help out with patching up this RP, and I really am sorry for being an asshole.
The rest of my suggestions that I suggested at the end of my last post are still here as suggestions of mine. I'd like to actually discuss those with anyone who wants to, now that I've presented them in a more favorable light of myself and attempted to apologize for my actions.
Post by Dynamax on Aug 6, 2012 14:44:55 GMT -5
Naw...I kind of destroyed any impact it'd have had by blowing it.
but let me suggest this for the future.
Do map out your main story segments but if you see plot points we bring up....chart them in and tell us when it's too much and then see if we can throw them in there.
Don't ruin your rhythm, make it work within.
And maybe give a bit at the end of a chapter unless it'd ruin the credibility of the end's impact.
Example...say at the end of Chapter 4 one of the main teacher dies killing one of snape's men and saving the students. Yeah let it end there.
but if it's "Test over." ask if there's something going down and if anyone has anything ask how long it'd take. If we slow down or take too long then fine. Make sure we're going to be around to do this before you allow it to go.
That's what my points were. The main plot in any RPG is super important but even in such an RPG you need to take the players immersion into consideration.
I'll have some nights to myself starting tonight, I'll start doing what I can but work may not show up for a while. Gotta find my creative flow.
Though...might want to consider this:
Can the next big learned move thing we learn BE the next school lesson/test related plot?