Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 14:37:59 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 18, 2011 14:37:59 GMT -5
Dred raises an eyebrow "Who?" he realizes he's the only one on horseback, so they were definately talking about him. "You are saddly mistaken sir. My name is Dred Hawkeye, and keep up with all this threatening Prince Rondar and I'll be sure you see why." he says, with his bow drawn.
Mora looks at him, and then Dagren "There are definate similarities....the hair for one."
"What, green's a common hair color...." Dred says.
Vaughn nods. he looks forward, now certain of his suspitions of who Mr.Bluestone was.
Rhisiart urges the dragon to go faster, feeling all the more urgency that they arrive soon.
Ammon smirks "So you know my mother's name. I speak down to anyone who deserves it. Even if I had tried, it was a lost cause. You are you. I cannot change that." he says
Shaylin lets go and backs up "I'm sorry...I was just...very happy that things were ok..." she blushes "so...what do we do now?"
Sonya smiles "You think you can destroy my protection?" she chuckles "that was merely an outer skin. I am, as rumor says, invincible." she charges at her. collumbs of light shoot out in front of her and target Sira.
Paitus steps forward, his spear now radiating magic "Hmm, this creature...I get my hunt after all." he smiles "Miss Estelle, could you give me a push?" he asks
Estelle nods and propels Paitus at Ghork.
He holds out his spear and goes to drive it into the creature.
Gaz warps out.
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 15:07:47 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 18, 2011 15:07:47 GMT -5
Dagren looks at him. "You have your mother's face. If you wish you can meet her and compare it."
"Somehow I think he's too indoctrined into Rondar's camp to come willingly." Jolden says.
"My son, please...I've spent all this time looking for you. Come back to me, your brothers and sisters miss you." Dagren says.
"I'm not passing up this opening." Rondar rushes Dagren.
Jolden steps in the way and is slashed at by Rondar. "AAHHH!!"
"Jolden...I...damn it. Why did you get in my way." Rondar regretted the act.
Jolden clutches his arm. "I serve...the true Heir...of Regis." He looks at Rondar. "Rondar...do you not think it funny that...the one least...worthy was chosen? The drugs Regis was fed, his so called cure, they...they allowed Vadris to manipulate him. Originally...it was Dagren who was to lead us, I swear on my life I was talked to by the King on this before he fell 'ill'. I was the court Magician and his other adviser...but I was not strong enough to stop Vadris. This is all I can do now."
"Attacking me from behind too Rondar?" Dagren glares. "How callow. I am at least coming at you head on. You have no courage to fight me fairly then?"
"Godspeed cousin." Cassius wiped away a few tears before notching an arrow into his bow. "For the eyes then..."
"Nay. I was only making sure they departed without further violence." Mr. Bluestone says as he fires a small blue sphere at the dragon. It connects and the dragon fades away. "Now it is back home in the mountains where it belongs."
"Your heart knows no bounds Mr. Bluestone." Cassius says.
"I imagine so, this was simply cold logic at work." Mr. Bluestone says. "Why kill a poor dragon when the fool controlling him deserves much pain?"
"Really now?" Vossh says. "I onssse saved her life from a pack of wolvesss who were not from your foressst. She wass weighed down asss she wass quite pregnant. By the time your father got to her they were all ssslain. My reward...arrowsss and ssspearsss. I wasss driven off after doing you all a kindnessss ssso yesss....I know your tribe all to well." He hunches over. "Let me guessss though...I earned that right?"
"It's ok, I didn't mind you hugging me...I mean...that's not why I helped you." Argus says. "I..." He looks away. "Heh...I've dreamed of such a thing happening. I...what I mean to say is..." He looks away. "I'm...in love with you."
"Is that a challenge? You don't even know how my spell works. So long as it is affecting your barrier it will adapt and find a way through...then once it reaches you...it will do the same to you." Sira raises her own defenses. "I...what?"
A blast of wind interrupts her spell, allowing her to be hit by Sonya's attack.
"A chaos witch and a summoner, small prey." Nathan says as he readies his blades.
Kibek fires a blast of flame at Rufina who warps aside. "A small time demon now? This is sad Cousin in Law, quite sad indeed."
"Kibek, thank God." Adona says.
The blade seems barely makes a scratch on Ghork's armor before sinking in a bit. Ghork however turns his full attention to Paitus, fires a stream of flaming liquid at him.
"Are you alright Osiron?" Ildor asks as they fly on. "Don't let Sabrel's words get to you...I..." He felt guilty himself now.
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 16:19:52 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 18, 2011 16:19:52 GMT -5
Dred sighs, he urges his horse into a gallop and gets between Rondar and Dagren, standing close to Rondar. he stands firm, his arrow pointed at Dagren. "You won't be laying a hand on the good Prince." he says and glances at Rondar "I'm your soldier, and my job's to be a shield right?"
Rhisiart waves to Iago, hearing him. "Family trying to take her away?..." he ponders.
Ammon wanted nothing more than to say yes, however he didn't "I supose not." he says "Regardless, you threaten my allies now...and now is what counts."
Shaylin blushes "You...you are?" she pauses "...You shouldn't be...It's very bad for you....I'm not loyal to Dagren...you might get in trouble...or he'll suspect you of not being loyal either...it's very dangerous..." she says "even more so because you're the only one I trust here...."
Sonya smirks. she allows the spell through her protection and allows it to reach her. From under her dress is movement, like something slithering around. "You know not the powers I am tied to."
Estelle covers Paitus by pushing away the stream, hoping it would either back up inside the beast or just have it hurt itself.
Paitus smiles at her and pushes forward deeper on his spear, giving it a surge of magic to pierce deeper.
"I am fine. I expect such speak from my enemies. The comment about Rhis did catch me off guard though." Osiron says "If you do not wish any more of your family's blood on your hands, I shall be the one to slay them for you..." he adds. "You need no more of their blood on your consceince."
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 17:04:58 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 18, 2011 17:04:58 GMT -5
Dagren snarls. "Fine...then I will take you by FORCE!!" Several of the remaining creatures are molded into chains which fly to ensnare Dred.
Rondar leaps in the way and slashes them apart. "NO MAN IS MY SHIELD." He turns. "We are cousins and even if that wasn't the case we are equals. Throw your life away only at the last recourse. Fight to live to protect what you value most."
"So what do we do now?" Iago asks.
"I did not forsee Desmond fighting him. We watch." Mr. Bluestone says.
"You hide your true intentionsss, why?" Vossh says. "I have ssseen the sssignsss. Sssay yesss, and sssay it true. You sssee me as what i am not who. Any good act doesss not change it, otherwissse, it meansss YOU'Re in the wrong. We can't have that now can we, God of Hypocrites?"
Vossh raises an eyebrow. "Unlesss you wish to be honessst and let your hate and revulsssion be known? Don't protect my feelingsss...you already dessstroyed any chance for a ressspectful dialogue Ammon. I mean, you wouldn't want to repay a blood debt right? You only exissst because of me after all. I saved you from becoming dog food."
He then stands upright. "Do it. Kill me, prove your mother wasss the only good thing your tribe has ever shown me. She ssseemed to be the only merciful one in your whole lot. DO IT!!!"
"I don't care. He won't touch me, not without crossing my Father, who he still needs." Argus turns back and looks at her. "and if it comes down to it I'll take him on myself. The old man is strong but I'll beat him down with these two hands if I must. You deserve to be happy and...even though i don't deserve a girl like you I...want to make you happy."
"Oh i am figuring it out, regardless this is a good enough test. especially since you fail to understand what it is YOU face." Sira begins to chant in a tongue some elsewhere might find familiar.
Sira then holds her hands up as the air above her swirls into a cyclone, a cyclone that begins to grow a face and arms.
"Oh, pissing her off was not smart." Naprista says. "Air elemental incoming."
Ghork shuts it's jaws and turns for a moment. He felt pain but kept silent as he didn't register it like most. He did however have a plan, he leans forward and begins to dive back into the Earth, hoping to take Paitus with him.
"Dagren is the only on meant to die, and it will be at my hands. I can't run from this. I can do no less because of what you did for me." Ildor turns. "The time for you to commit such deeds is done. You are on a path to healing, I will see you through it."
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 17:52:02 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 18, 2011 17:52:02 GMT -5
Dred nods "Figured he might not attack If I was in the way...would double as a lie detector." he sighs "Anyhoo, bombs away I supose." he says and fires his arrow, which turns into a massive fireball.
Ammon frowns "You need to see beyond what you see." he says in a strange voice. even his posture was different, more commanding, and his eyes were greener.
Airou looked at him and felt strange "He's...different...."
Shaylin thinks "But....Argus....I can't serve him and be happy......that would make you have to.....I can't make you betray your family...I know that pain...I can't make you feel that..."
Sonya watches "Hmmph." she holds the blade of her sword up and starts chanting. it glows with white light.
Paitus pulls out his spear and jumps back and out of danger.
Osiron nods "If that is what you wish, so be it."
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 18:39:26 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 18, 2011 18:39:26 GMT -5
"I'm testing you as much as you are testing me." Dagren creates a last minute shield. "But do note I am taking no outright attempts to harm you. I would never do that to my children. I am not a monster like Ildor that way. I don't even intend on killing you Rondar, nor your son. Just remove you from play."
"You tried to kill Vanora...that's too far as it is." Rondar says.
"No, I am lissstening. I was shaped by yearsss of abussse but It'sss ok. I tried everything I could and well I mussst have misssed sssome miracle anssswer. You also get to kill me for it becaussse you're a God. What did I misssss?" Vossh says.
Argus laughs a quiet chuckle. "I already am disloyal. You're too late. I am loyal to Dad, not Dagren and not my idiot cousins. You're fretting over nothing. I will not be betraying Dad either, he has begun to waver and will likely use my life as the means of keeping Dagren in check. So it's either we do this alone or together." Argus takes her hand. "I'd like this so much to not be a lonely burden."
The Air Elemental bellows as it begins to generate a localized thunderstorm.
"Hello not good part." Naprista says.
"Hmm..." Nathan thinks. "Let it generate it, I have a plan." He turns and looks to where the worm might come from.
"It is my will as King. The burdens should fall to me. It is my duty...to both you and my Father." Ildor says.
"Does it need to be Son?" An errie voice says.
"We are already lost souls. What is the point of saving us? The other one says.
"Gustav...Karl...you're a shining example of why i must. Never again..." Ildor says.
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 21:35:12 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 18, 2011 21:35:12 GMT -5
Dred nods in agreement. He couldn't help but wonder if Dagren really was his father. He didn't know who his parents were after all, but he did seem like the type who would look into an enemy's troops thoroughly to find one he could exploit. He could very well know of his lack of knowledge of his blood family. He sighs though, looking over Dagren again. Even he noticed tiny details they had in common, something he would under any other circumstance attribute to a father and son.
Vanora looks at Elias "Are you alright?" she asks.
Ammon chuckles "Such a funny word....God...what is it? A being of power and creation? One who is immortal?" he smiles at Vossh "And if immortlity and power are things we can aspire to and acquire with time, are there really Gods? Why am I a god? Because long ago, a group of humans saw me, and thought me beyond them. So I was made a god...but I was born of this word, so am I a God? They loved me for my nature, my power, my knowledge. But these are all things my friends had...are they Gods? They are my underlings as far as humans prioritized us. But we were not born Gods...or legendary warriors, yet we were made them, by living as them. Because that's what those humans called us." he looks "We are formed by what others deem us. You have been deemed a monster, but you were born under that same name. The miracle answer is in th one who will call you something different. Who will see you as something you were not born." he smiles a bit longer, but then it fades into an expression of sorrow "It is painful that the world has become one where you cannot see this person...such is what happens when you snuff out the light and disturb the balance...as your ancestors did." He smiles "But the good news is, another who was seen for more than she was, made sure the light was safe, and so it blooms again. There is hope for you yet! But not by fighting us, of that I am certain. Happieness lies in other acts."
Airou was shocked by the sudden change. he looks at Aikia as if to ask if she noticed it.
Shaylin looks at his hand for a moment, before stepping into his arms. "Ok..." she says and looks up at him "But should we gain freedom...where would we go? Part of me wants to join Rondar, as his mother was the one my family wished to join.....but....another part just wants to go to my brother and make up with him...show him he has not lost everything, and that he can be happy."
Paitus looks at him "I believe I know what you are thinking...."
"Just don't lose yourself in the process." Osiron says.
Rhis sighs lightly. he squeezes Rowena's hand a bit as he tried to formulate a plan to keep her, and his sister safe at the same time.
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 21:56:19 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 18, 2011 21:56:19 GMT -5
"You two, stop this. I am not your enemy. THEY are." Dragen says. "I can make amends, I can accept condemnation for hurting your friends, I am sorry but please, Ildor comes. You get rid of me and you are dead. You and I may have different ideals Rondar but you are no foe. Vadris and his new friends, they could do it. They could bring back the dark one." Dagren stops his magics. "Are you going to let this get in the way of the people's need for salvation?"
Elias rights himself. "I am fine. Better now that you're here." His hand shakes. "That power, it's unreal. Whatever caused that attack...my uncle is a dangerous man. It might not be wise to fight him."
"You do not get it. She did accept me, she wasss ssso happy that I sssaved your life." Vossh says. "I am now merely a pawn because it'sss the only plassse I can feel sssafe. Your mother wass the firssst perssson who ever looked at me as a perssson, and you condemn me like all the ressst. I LOSSST THAT BECAUSSSE...your father presssumed i was out to eat you two."
"I know. It's his power, and perhaps..his heritage." Aikia says.
Argus was caught off guard. The scent of her perfume and her warmth was overwhelming. He unconsciously embraced her as he stood there. "Rondar would be the wisest move. I don't know if I could survive you going to Osiron. On wrong move and I'd come for you...and possibly die in the attempt." Argus says. "W get help first, then we go to him ok? I'll need back up."
Nathan smiles. "Then add to it if you can." He says as Ghork rises out of the ground again, spewing his flaming liquids. Nathan throws both of his bladed weapons into his skull.
"I won't. That is the other reason i can't let you do it. You'll anchor me." Ildor says.
"Relax. Too much thought won't help you." Rowena says.
Part 2
Nov 18, 2011 22:34:56 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 18, 2011 22:34:56 GMT -5
Dred looks at Rondar "I follow your orders." he says to him
Vanora places a hand on his shoulder "I can't trust him. He threatened Rhisiart and hurt you...It is never considered wise to battle those with power but we do it anyways." she says "I don't know....I'm very confused...I love you but....I can't abandon Vadris....he really does hurt, and I can't bare to see suffering from anyone. I don't know what to do....Rhis is with Ildor...and that will only make things worse." she says
"I do not condemn you. It was my human side's attempt to help you see that you have made yourself this creature, but his thinking is flawed with human assuptions. We have yet to finish binding into one. My father was a human, he too flawed with the negative attributes of humans." Ammon says and pauses "You would like to see her again. I can tell, and I can arrange it. She could make the people see as she does, as I truely do. You do not need to find safety in such poor company."
Airou nods "Yeah...It's making me feel odd..." he mutters.
Shaylin nods "A-alright. But...how will we break the magic that ties me to Dagren? I will be forced to serve him so long as it is in place."
Paitus nods, and thros his spear like a javelin in as well.
Estelle catches on and draws in a few weapons dropped by injured soldiers. she pushes them away and lodges them in near the other weapons.
"As you do me." Osiron says
Rhis sighs "I know...it's just going to be so dangerous....and I fear my sister is torn between sides...I hope my friends won't be my enemies...but I know thye will...and above all you will be targeted I feel it....I can't let you get hurt."
Part 2
Nov 19, 2011 12:41:49 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 19, 2011 12:41:49 GMT -5
"I will never align with you, nor will I side with Ildor. You lost more than your eye back then Uncle, you lost your pride and your honor. I could never side with such a weak, fickle man like you." Rondar says. "Both of you represent everything wrong with this world, all that I seek to change. Tyranny and oppression...I will end these things even if i must shed rivers of blood in the process."
"You are brave...then at least let us work to survive this and part ways. If at last we can eliminate Ildor then we only have each other left." Dagren says.
Rondar looks at him. "Any victory to be gained with you is a hollow one." His runes glow. "BEGONE!!" An explosion of dirt and rocks fly at Dagren.
"Then fight to find a better path. You might have to oppose him in order to save him." Elias says. "I can't say that your bond with him doesn't bother me but...I get it." He looks at her. "It is why I'm keeping my word to you, though know if I do break it, it's for the right reasons."
"Heh...not so easssy a thing. Much like a few othersss I am bound to Dagren magically. My power came at a prissse." Vossh says.
"Shaylin, don't worry. I had a plan for that already. I've...been meeting with an elven priest of great power secretly. If anyone can break it he can." Argus says.
The Air Elemental fires and predictably the lighting strikes Ghork.
"Oh crap." Sira dispels the elemental's storm as Ghork Lands with a thud, knocking out several of the weapons. For a moment he seemed dead, but then he rose and howled as he began to bang himself into the ground to dislodge the rest before retreating.
"Oh good...he's gone." Naprista says.
Moments later a swarm of Goks poured out of the hole.
"Oh Good...we're dead." Naprista moans.
"Don't be so glum and please...don't be so close minded. If they oppose your stance, find out why and find a solution. It doesn't man you need to fight them." Rowena says.
Part 2
Nov 19, 2011 14:40:10 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 19, 2011 14:40:10 GMT -5
Dred nods and stays close to Rondar, figuring Dagren would be more cautious and hesitant to attack. he has an arrow ready and starts casting his multi-arrow spell on it.
Vanora nods "I'm sorry....maybe I want to help him so baddly because I'm...partially like him." she sighs, but then kisses his forehead "I love you Elias...don't think otherwise ok?"
Ammon sighs with a light smiles "Hmm, that is a problem....However, an easily fixed one, so long as you can convice your current master to leave Princess Vanora alone, or at the very least to not harm her. You see, all hope will be lost if she is hurt...The youngest of her brothers, Rhisiart, who comes as we speak, he holds a power that could rid you of that connection, as well as his aunt, it can also free Vadris' father, and is the nightmare of all mystics." he says, and smiles "How versed are you in ancient legends? And I mean very ancient."
Shaylin nods "How could you get me out too though? When I'm not being used I have to stay in my room..."
"Not yet madame, do observe the gift my mother has given me." Paitus says and start casting a spell. from out of the ground, figures start to form, like humanoid beetles. he had enchanted the tiny bugs in the soil and turned them into soldiers. he points to the Goks and the soldiers march on them.
Rhis looks back at her and smiles "You're right...I need to think positively....if anything, I should be able to prevent a fight right?"
Part 2
Nov 19, 2011 14:52:58 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 19, 2011 14:52:58 GMT -5
"What was that, you flexing your muscles so to speak?" Dagren laughs. "You do that like THIS!!" Rocky spikes shoot up out of the ground between the two, creating an effective barrier.
"Like I said, I get it. Don't worry, I know. I love you too Vanora." Elias says.
"None." Vossh says. "I do not ssstudy the passst much. My eyss are on the future."
"It'd take some deception but I have a plan." Argus says. "Considering his low view of you we could make it seem that...I have 'other uses' for you and see if you can...come to my room. From there escape is simple." Argus says.
"Let's hope that is enough." Adona says.
"Or keep the fighting to a more...merciful level." Rowena says.
Part 2
Nov 19, 2011 15:55:23 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 19, 2011 15:55:23 GMT -5
((Between Rondar and Dred, or Rondar and Dagren?))
Vanora smiles "Good, now let's do something about all this."
Ammon smiles "Ah good! I love to share little known knowledge! Airou, Aikia, pay attention as well!" he turns "Now then! Rowan the Mysticslayer. A very long time ago, perhaps even before our good friend Gamuldar, a child was born of a demon and an animus. Opposite beings, drawn together because they saw each other for more than what they saw outwardly. This child, Rowan, as a result had a strange power. He could disperse magic. destroy any spell, seal or curse effortlessly. And mystics being made from magic feared him for this. However he was not cruel, nor greedy. He was much like a human, and only used his powers against those who were his enemies. It was thought his powers died with him, but he was skilled in more than the single art of destroying magic. He created a means of immortality, one that was later modified and used by a particular pair of demons we all love, and of course his ancestors." he smirks, "you see, Rowan made it so his powers would be passed on, to one his spirit would deem worthy of them. One of his blood. His youngest brother."
"Prince Rhisiart..." Airou mutters
Shaylin nods "That will work."
Paitus looks back at Adona with an adoribly innocent expression "Oh, do you think I'll need more?"
Rhis nods "Yeah...with any luck I can just send them home with the promise of keeping in touch."
Part 2
Nov 20, 2011 4:07:28 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 20, 2011 4:07:28 GMT -5
(OOC: Rondar and Dagren.)
"I will follow your lead as ever." Elias says.
"But you know nothing of my presssent problem. The Animus are not the only beingsss of power. The Ancientsss...their power isss wielded by your friendsss it is true but I know pure blood Ancientssss. A pair who are the embodiment of chaosss and order. Dagren hasss newer power from them, enough to rival Ildor. Power that cannot be beaten so easy." Vossh says. "He isss their Avenger, and they outfitted him well enough to do it."
"Are you ok with that?" Argus asks. "It's asking a lot and...I kinda would feel bad to do it truth be told." He looked at her awkwardly.
"I'm a logical pessimist, you'll have to excuse me." Adona says.
However that pessimism was justified as one did get past everyone and headed for the open castle gates.
"Oh crap." Nathan turns.
The Gok closed in on Saida and the others fast.
"Oh Hell no." Saida draws his sword. "You're not getting near them."
The creature charged right for him.
"Suck on THIS!!" Saida dashes forward and passes by the creature, he spun around to see several arms fall from it's right side, the beast screeching in pain, stunned by it's injuries. "Caed, finish it."
"They seemed dedicated to bringing you home with your sister. I don't think sending them home is a ossibility." Rowena says.
Part 2
Nov 20, 2011 11:29:24 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 20, 2011 11:29:24 GMT -5
Dred aims high with his bow and fires. the single arrow splits into twenty. he sighs "Dodge that..." he grumbles, slightly frustrated he hadn't made contact yet. "Ruining my record...."
Vanora nods "Well...a lot will depend on when Rhis gets here....for now though, I think one thing we all agree with is that man Dagren isn't our ally no matter what."
"Yes, well, Rondar may very well get himself a handful of Animus. I know one has good reason to side with him." Ammon says "Lot's of big powers in the works...where will the world stand? Who will come out victorious?" he sighs "None the less, know you have more options."
Shaylin nods "I'm fine with it...honestly, I afraid if you don't, someone else might..."
Paitus looks and moves his soldiers to block any more from going through.
Caed nods and fires an arrow into the Gok at high speeds. it sinks in, and expoldes.
Titania looks shocked "Caed...you can use magic?"
"Picked it up after you left..." he pants.
Rhis sighs "Now who's being the pessimist?" he squeezes her hand again "I've got to do something with them...."