Part 2
Nov 11, 2011 17:39:27 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 11, 2011 17:39:27 GMT -5
"I did not mean to offend." Loruel says
Daito smirks.
"But...can he be blamed if he was hurting?" Vanora asks "I know...if I lost someone that dear to me...I'd probably lose all sense of reality too. If you care so much about a person, that they are like a part of you, and then they die...I wouldn't expect anyone to act rationally." she looks at Vadris and Honzai "Did you father love your mother that much?" she asks
Mora was astounded. Vanora was either very naive, or the most compassionate being ever to exist, to be finding an excuse for Vadris' father.
Airou smiles and chuckles "Oh yeah?"
Ammon pauses "And that's what makes you more interesting."
Vaughn smiles.He accidentally looks down, then clings to the dragon "Uggg...how much longer?"
"Not as sweet as you." Rhis smiles at her over his shoulder.
"There is always that possibility." Osiron says "And no doubt tensions would be high."
Cecilia smiles at Burai.
Titania smiles "You were being oddly optimistic." she turns her head, hearing Melgath. "Here they come..."
"She's safe if she's with Rondar." Dred assures him "He's a little rough around the edges but he'll make a good King. And he's got the power to keep her safe."
Lakyri smiles "Well aren't you the ideal soldier."
"Hey if a guy saves your life you owe it to him to be." Dred says
Shaylin shifts. she wished she was able to die, that way at least Dagren wouldn't want her fighting so he could use her other powers. She would have to use her magic, and then Osiron would recognize her white fire.
Part 2
Nov 12, 2011 21:56:43 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 12, 2011 21:56:43 GMT -5
"He did." Honzai says.
"But does it justify sinking an island nation to test his power?" Mr. Bluestone says.
"Kaldera, last known home of the Ancients." Rondar says. "He committed genocide not for the act but as a training mission. No pain justifies that."
"How do you know of that?" Vadris says.
"Thimos tells me much." Rondar says.
"Indeed, your eyes show much passion when you let your guard now. It's very attractive." Aikia says.
"If you say so." Thimos says.
"Heh, this is quite the strange conversation. Usually people are talking about angr issues Thimos." Karn laughs.
"People are mostly fools, I just happened to find an exception." Thimos says sarcastically. "Someone to negate your tongue."
"Let's hope he's half the man they talked about. I'd hate to rely on Burai. You might find him cut but his temper is unpredictable." Dahak says.
Burai growls.
"Not here big fella." He then looks at him. "Oh...right....the villagers." In the cells were some of the villagers of the town they recently wiped out. Their eyes were on them.
Burai looked uncomfortable.
"Let's keep walking." Dahak says.
"It's mostly for your sake. Can't fail you after all. Not after all you've done, plus I like you too much." Saida says as he tries to psyche himself up.
"I'm more worried about Rondar. Between myself and Vito she is quite capable." Phillipe says.
"Sir, is it wise to reveal Shaylin's existence?" Argus says. "At this point it time it'd be reckless. If Osiron were to learn of her survival he'd prove to be a problem if worse comes to worse."
"That implies he will survive me today, and that means you imply my failure Argus. Are you implying that?" Dagren says.
"I imply only because it would be foolish not to. We fight Ildor. He is no weak foeman." Argus bows. "I mean no offense cousin."
"...he has a point." Jolden says. "I say this as your adviser, no this father. Shaylin is not expendable, at least not yet. It would be wise to keep her under lock and key for now."
"But that would mean I'd have to leave someone behind to watch her." Dagren says. "Vossh is more reliable...Argus...see to it that she remains here. Any misstep and it's your life."
"I...as you wish." Argus was surprised he was being entrusted with such a role. This had to be a test."
Part 2
Nov 12, 2011 23:39:39 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 12, 2011 23:39:39 GMT -5
Vanora looks at Vadris, hoping for a responce that would give her reason to keep her promise.
Airou smiles "Well your very attractive all the time so you've got me beat."
Ammon laughs "Oh come now, I get the feeling this is an army of overexaggeration! You all need to relax. You will come to a festival in my village." he says "Only which one....hmmm..."
Cecilia looks back at them as they pass. "Oh?..."
"RIGHT UP HERE." Melgath says.
Caed follows, still on high alert.
Titania smiles and is about to thank him when she hears a familiar voice call her name "What?"
Caed had seen her and ran around Melgath. he stops in front of her cell and grabs the bars "Titania..." he pants again.
Titania bolts up and closer to him "C-Caed?"
"I'm sorry I wasn't faster..." he says.
Gaz looks at Titania "Wuhwuhweewoh! Caed you didn't say your sister was hot!" the floor below him suddenly shoots upward, making him hit the ceiling "Yowch! We gotta' get on that magic control...."
"Rondar's quite capable too. And now that he's got Elias back, he's got something more to lve for." Dred says
"Didn't he have Mora?" Lakyri asks
"I think it's complicated..."
Shaylin relaxes, very slightly. She would thank Argus later, but for then she looked at the sky, and used magic to make ti so she could clearly see the stars. She figured Dagren would be less likely to be angry with her if she went to her usual task of looking for his son Urom.
A guard runs over to Adona, Estelle and comapany. he bows "My Queen, there is a man at the gates who wishes to speak with you. He's strong, a few guards tried to keep him farther from the castle but he plowed through them as if they were nothing. He claims to come on peaceful terms..."
Paitus stands at the gates, waiting patiently. Sure he had to knock over a few royal guards, but in his opinion they were the unreasonalbe ones; they challenged him after all. So he lost his temper, they would live. He had done as Loruel said and made sure not to kill anyone, yet.
Part 2
Nov 13, 2011 11:48:48 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 13, 2011 11:48:48 GMT -5
"Why do you look at me like that again?" Vadris asks. "I have been true to my word thus far aside from one slip which I too own up to. My Father...has done some terrible things it is true but...you don't know what he's going to be like when he is freed."
"Time is frozen for him. He will be now as he was then. Evil and vengeful." Mr. Bluestone says.
"You're lying...you're just trying to keep him there. You don't want..." Vadris turns to Vanora. "Please...you're my last hope of doing this without any sort of drastic measure. Please...you gave me hope."
"And your Father will take hers away. Princess...the spell that sealed him was one of my own design. He hasn't spent all these years in quiet reflection, unlike Thimos' Father he is frozen in the last moment he ever recalled. He will resume as he had and at tat time he was swearing to wipe out all that opposed him ,which at the time was everything that wasn't his forces. Vadris' hopes are understandable...and pitiable but...the needs of the many outweigh his own wish in this case. If you freed him, we'd be forced to try and destroy him. At least like this... his father can still live." Mr. Bluestone says.
"What kinda life is that?" Honzai says. "Screw this peace BS, I'm wasting the old guy."
"That's Gamuldar you idiot. Remember?" Vadris snaps. "He can't die."
"...oh yeah." Honzai sighs.
Aikia turns and smiles. "I'll just call it even at a tie."
"Relax? Aside from Mora that'd be a hard pressed task." Karn says with a loud laugh.
Saida sees this and smiles but then he begins to laugh. "Figures...I can finally save someone and I end up denied."
"So this is your sister? Mel, by order of the king she is to be freed at once for his merit in turning in Rondar." Dahak says bfore turning to see Saida. "This is the guy?"
"Heh...technically." Saida says. "Though thre is little point now. I was doing it for her. My village was destroyed by your Boss Vadris, and I want him dead. It's not likely you'd take me knowing that."
"They just haven't said anything. It's both sides trying to make the first move, hoping the other would." Phillipe says.
"That's a good girl." Dagren says. "We should plan out the attack now that we have that settled. Rufina, how many of your constructs can we have?"
As they planned Argus walks over to Shaylin. "you ok?"
Adona looked annoyed. "All present to arms, we go and see what this person wants. One wrong move and there's a crater where he stood."
Part 2
Nov 13, 2011 17:33:06 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 13, 2011 17:33:06 GMT -5
Vanora frowns "Mr.Bluestone, why wouldn't you design the spell so he could think?" she asks, hints of anger in her voice "Of course he's going to still be evil, he was never given the choice not to be. What good comes of locking a person away in their same mind? And don't you say you didn't know how to because if you can pull off immortality, I think that is well within your skill level." she looks at him "Was it that you deemed him too evil to have that chance? Well then I ask you about my mother, and that Caedmon fellow. Vito you said that they chose to give up being demonic, which implies at one point they were. So why where they allowed to attone and Vadris and Honzai's father not?" she pauses "If anyone would be to blame for him being the same if we released him I would think it would be you, for not giving him the chance."
Loruel smiles, loving how his sister thought.
"Vanora...it's not that sim-" Vito starts
"You Shoosh!" she snaps, taking him by shock. "There is a comprimise that can be done here. Now, I understand that currently, Their father must be evil, and it is only natural for them to deny that. But it is also true that he never was given the chance to see that he acted wrongly. With that in mind, I am going to be sure that he can have the chance to look at his actions, in a way that he won't be able to act on his current anger. I'd imagine powers can be limited, as it seems I have some that were." she stands up strait and very confidently "I fully intend to keep my promise, but I will do so in a way that everyone can be happy."
Airou laughs "If you say so."
"Karn you have never been to one of my people's festivals." Ammon smiles
Titania looks at Caed "Turning in?"
"I...found some of Rondar's men...his son included." Caed smiles
Titania hugs Caed "Saida kept an eye on me for you..." she says into his ear "So I wasn't hurt at all." she looks back at Saida "Why would you say that Saida? Honesty is a virtue, but I much rather you alive..."
Caed looks at him "Thank you for looking out for her."
Cecilia smiles at Caed and Titania "Such a happy reunion..."
Dred nods "There's that too."
Lakyri looks at him "Oh?"
"Well....S'not my place to say but...I'll blame it on my intoxication." Dred says "Rumor has it, Miss Mora has always loved Rondar. And that includes while he was with Elias' mother." he says in a hushed tone. "Now, I'm pretty good at judging people, and from what I've seen, she doesn't want any moves to be made, because she's guilty for being happy, even for just a fraction of a moment, when his wife passed." he says "Now I wasn't around when that happened so, I've got no way to judge her reactions then, so I can't really say for sure, but I think you've seen that too eh Phillipe?"
Shaylin looks at him and nods. she stands behind him so the others wouldn't see her mouth moving. she mouths the words 'Thank you' and looks back at the sky. she sighs, seeing nothing, and pulls out a bag of stones. she tosses them in her hands and looks at them.
Estelle nods and follows.
Mirael sighs "Who on earth has the nerve to just show up and expect you to come?"
Paitus glances at some guards who watched him carefully. He then smiles at some women, who watched him with equal attention. "Ladies." he says softly in greeting, and chuckles as they run off.
Part 2
Nov 14, 2011 22:20:46 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 14, 2011 22:20:46 GMT -5
"Any spell like that he could escape from and back then i was not as strong as I am now. I am magical genius but that took time, much time and study so as I am now...if I were whole I could. However...it was an order from your Father's ancestor to seal him away. Back then he was my King and I obeyed. If I did not, where you lived would be ruin. He was preparing to destroy most of this continent as another test of his might. I had to do it" Mr. Bluestone says.
"That is impossible Vanora, compromising can never make me happy." Rondar says. "Tell her Vadris. Tell her who killed my wife, who killed Elias' mother?"
Vadris' eyes widen.
Elias turns and glares.
"It was the Five...an order from the King..." Vadris stammers.
"No, you were there. Karn bore witness to it." Rondar says. "You ordered her execution after she told you Elias' book was lost to you."
Elias glares at him. "You...you killed her? My mother?"
"She was...one of the last of the surviving Ancients...like my Father..who died by the King's hand. It is why this spell was cast on us. To make us strong enough to survive our runes, and to bring out our Ancient traits. I will never be happy until he pays for his crime...and such crimes are punishable by execution." Rondar says.
Elias' hands were trembling as he fought even inclination to attack Vadris. "You..."
"Boy, stand down." Thimos says as the three arrive with the others. "What is going on?"
"We'll have to arrange that some other time Prince." Karn says to Ammon.
"Good answer." Aikia sees the group gathered. "Let's hurry, some of them seem wound up enough to snap."
"Go to my sister. The Queen's writing will have to do. Ildor's off to hunt down and kill Dagren...again." He looks at Gaz. "Leave Caed here."
"You're welcome." Saida says. "Just make sure she's kept safe."
Burai looks at Saida and growls a bit before grabbing his cell door.
"What are you doing Burai?" Dahak says.
Burai growls as he rips the door off of the cell and tosses aside before turning to glare at Dahak.
"i guess he's hired..." Dahak sighs.
Dahak growls again, pointing at Titania.
"What, hire her too?" Dahak asks.
"i know. And with Rondar he's got his demons." Phillipe says.
The talking continues but Argus was ignoring it as he watched Shaylin. "Any luck today?"
"Someone who wants his ass kicked." Adona walks across the courtyard to the front of the castle. "ALL GUARDS, TRAIN ALL WEAPONS ON THIS PERSON, IF THE ORDER IS GIVEN END HIM!!" Adona walks up to the man. "You dare to come here and demand a meeting with me? Who the Hell are you?"
Part 2
Nov 14, 2011 23:15:43 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 14, 2011 23:15:43 GMT -5
Vanora steps back in shock. "You...killed his.....I..I.." she didn't know what to say. It was becoming clear to her that Elias and Vadris where going to be enemies, no matter what she did.
Vito and Luca both move to catch her in case she fainted again.
Ammon looks "Seems so."
Airou nods "Yeah...Hey the Princess is awake...."
Gaz salutes and teleports away.
"Oh....my well, I'm not sure what good I would do...unless you need someone to swim somplace..." Titania says
"That's ridiculous. You're a great cook." Caed says
Dred nods "That he does. All good men do."
"No...not really...well...I'm not sure. There's nothing in the sky...and these could be interpreted in more ways than I can count...." Shaylin says quietly and tosses them again with a sigh "It's likely because my mind is elsewhere...they keep hinting at a little ways away from the battle...but that's likely just my brother...." she says. she thinks and tosses them one more time. She frowns "Curious...." she tosses them again, then looks at the sky.
Paitus bows "I demanded nothing, only requested. My name is Paitus and I apologize for my...sudden intrusion. And for those guards back there...they challenged me in a negetive way...my weakness, unfortunately." he says in a quiet tone, very calm. "My sudden calling on you is justified though, as I have been sent by my brother to aid you in protecting this place. As we speak he and three of my other brothers are with Vadris. We intend to form an alliance with you. Feel free to question me further, but I realize time is of the essence, and I would very much like to provide you with a disposable force of soldiers, so that as many of your men may survive as possible."
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 15:18:31 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 15, 2011 15:18:31 GMT -5
Elias looks back at Vanora and shuts his eyes. "I want you dead Vadris...for all that you took away. However..." He then opens his eyes. "I...I will sacrifice even my revenge for Vanora."
"What?" Rondar says.
"Don't get me wrong, I wish him to see justice for what he did but...I cannot bring the woman I love any pain." Elias says. "Having said that, I will still have some form of revenge it seems. You will never have this book." Elias holds it up. "You took away one of my parents, so I will not allow my power to help you regain yours. Rather fair is it not?"
"That will not stop him...he will come for you." Rondar says.
"And i will defend myself accordingly but...I will not kill out of hatred." Elias says. "Everything I am belongs to Vanora. I will never betray that."
"This is not a topic i wish to walk into." Aikia says with some hesitation.
"I could use one of those, and the swimming idea sounds like it can work too." Dahak says. "It'd also keep you close to your brother and placate whatever's come over Burai. Fine, you're both hired."
"indeed." Phillipe says.
"What is it? It is something else?" Argus asks.
"An alliance with a few demons benefits me how? What makes you better than those i already employ?" Adona asks.
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 15:47:20 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 15, 2011 15:47:20 GMT -5
"Elias..." Vanora looks at Elias and smiles, happy he was willing to do that. She then looks at Vadris to see how he would react. "And you Vadris?"
Vito sighs with relief that she didn't pass out. He remains tense though, not at ease with the situation.
Airou nods "Nor I. But, we do uncomfortale things in the name of our royalty. Such is life." he smiles at her "Don't worry, I'm here."
Titania smiles, happy with how things turned out.
"quite." Dred adds.
Shaylin thinks "I...that would make sense...." she mutters "...I...may have found him...I didn't use his name when I asked the stones where he was and they gave me a direction....when I use his name I get nothing....I...I never considered he might be going by a different name...or that he doesn't know who he is...." she looks at Argus with some fear, as she knew Dagren whould be angry she hadn't thought of something so simple earlier.
Paitus smiles "While currently is is only myself, and my other three brothers who come to you, there are many more of us, and my brother Loruel need only to put out the call, an more may come."
"PAITUS!" Gaz shouts happily as he runs over, having teleported behind the Queen. He jumps up and messes with Paitus' hair "How you doin' you crazy kid!? I thought you were off on that rare beast hunt!"
"More important business came up, so my trip was put on hold." Paitus smiles
Gaz jumps down from him and walks over to Adona "I'd be careful your majesty, this isn't a guy you want to piss off. He may look and sound like a wall flower but he's on par with Vadris when it comes to strength. And I know I exagerate a lot but not this time." he pauses "Oh and Dahak needs you to write a paper ordering the release of Caed's sister. Ildor's a little busy right now."
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 16:17:23 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 15, 2011 16:17:23 GMT -5
"Kkk...you..." Vadris glares. "You mock me boy, paint me a villain, your friend there make my father a devil in their ears...I...you force me to do what must be done." He says. "I must have that book if nothing else works. Their power will provide me the best chance of freeing him."
"Vadris, did you not hear anything I said? I lived to find my own Father but i also stated I would cast him aside should he do wrong. Maybe it is best to let your Father lie there, at last until we can find a way to convince him to give up his madness?" Elias says.
"HE'S NO MONSTER!!!" Vadris yells. "You, whose Father is a most wanted criminal. How dare you of all beings judge mine?"
"There is a difference. In his case the accuser is guilty, in your Father's case it is the accused." Thimos says.
"I DON'T WANT ANY OF WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!!! I JUST WANT THE POWER TO SAVE HIM!!!" Vadris cackles. "See Vanora...thousands of years of this and people wonder why I am how I am?"
"Leave out the part of the razed cities and such why don't you?" Karn says. "Ammon, surely you, an impartial person can make a few points on Vadris' reputation?"
"I'm not worried, just...it's getting bad, I think we should hang back in case they need back up." Aikia says.
"So why hire me after my confession?" Saida says.
"the list of loyalists who wish him dead goes on for miles." Dahak says. "It's nothing new. Plus I think Titania wouldn't budge without you."
"So...what do we do if things go bad?" Cornelius asks. "I know, it's just..I'm moreso just following protocol. Someone has to plan."
"Don't tell him just yet." Argus says. "Unless he'd be in the line of fire." He looks back at them. "Don't worry, i got your back either way."
"Not a point I need to worry about." Adona says as she summons a piece of paper. "I need someone's back."
A guard walks over and turns around. Adona outs the paper on him and writes the note, signs it and places the royal seal on it. "There, now...I need to ask what you seek in such a deal?"
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 18:46:53 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 15, 2011 18:46:53 GMT -5
Ammon frowns "Just haaaaad to bring me into this eh Karny?" he sighs.
Vanora looks at Ammon with a slightly scared expression. Vadris had startled her, and he was acting more like he had when they met.
"Ohhhhh, not those eyes..." Ammon groans "Well, from an impartial stand point...he has commited the holy trinity of evil...that is, murder of innocents, rape and diabolic scheming.....But...a lot of demons have at some point....And....heh, holy trinity of evil...bit of an oxymoron...ANYWAYS! Erm, well the desire to see a parent is noble enough....despite the...total devestation it would cause should he suceed...That is though in his current state. Vanora, does have a valid point, in all fairness he should be allowed to have a chance to repent so to speak...After that if he's evil well then hell, can't change it he's evil and must be cast from the world.....But back to Vadris! Errrrm....well, he did kill Elias' mother...all the more reason for him not to get his father back as a sort of eye for an eye deal, but then we look at Honzai, and ask the question should he be hurt for his brother's actions...then again he has his own little misdemenors...Back to Vadris! He did kill Elias' mother, and if she was one of the last Ancients, then that does make two species demons have killed off....not very good at all." he pauses and it seems as if he was done "Now I will not deny the other's were killed off in a bloody war, as they were essentially the opposite of demons, so that would never end well....GAH! Back to Vadris!" he sighs "I'm rambling horribly...Any hoo, yes, he has done some very bad things. Yes, they could be attributed to a longing for daddy."
Vanora blinks, taking in everything he said "So...We're back where we started..."
"Yes." Ammon nods
Vanora thinks "Why...what's to say they can't change?...Like...like my mother did? What kind of demon was she before she changed?"
"Very cruel. Killed many, loved equally as now. But had similar 'crimes' as Vadris. As did Caedmon and especially Brann." Loruel says
"and...now she is loved, and defended....they all are. What's to say they can't change too?" Vanora says and stands between Vadris and Elias. she looks at Vadris with pleading eyes "Please calm down...I don't like it when you get like this. It makes what made you like this true. Don't make them right. Please don't. You don't need to use force to save your father...I can help you do it in a good way. And prove everyone wrong...but only if you let me."
Airou nods "Good idea."
Titania smiles "You thought correctly."
Caed grins.
"Depends how bad it gets." Dred says "Should it only go sour for them, we should proceed as planned, then act in responce to their fates. Should the misfortune spread to us, our primary goal will be to live. If they attack you call it an act of war. We get you all back to the wall, hop on over, plead the case, come back with friends." he says as if it were very simple.
"Well...I'm not sure if he would be in the line of fire....the stones point to a little bit away from the battle....but could easily become in the line of fire...maybe I should tell him...and not mention my mistake....It might draw him off of..." she doesn't finish, but knew Argus would know she meant her brother.
Paitus smiles "We share common interests. Should Vadris suceed, we get what we want as well. So naturally we want to aid him and his allies." he says giving her a knowing look. "Its all for the good of our mother in the end. We only want what is best."
"Thanks Queen!" Gaz says and takes the paper "Oh, and these guys are a load of mama's boys. Whatever you do, don't insult her, or you'll have each one of the brothers on this place faster than Ginza can fly to the wall!" he whispers
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 19:50:16 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 15, 2011 19:50:16 GMT -5
"How can your ending work?" Kaizo says, interjecting. "Either we arrest Rondar or we don't. That with either continue or end a fugitive's run and leave many people upset. Put's you in a sticky spot. You'd either have to betray Vadris or Elias...and likely some of your kin by the looks of it."
Elias and Vadris both look at Kaizo.
"It's true. There is no perfect answer, such is life. You will have to make Vadris or Rondar a villain in this situation. The Father of the man who offered you his heart, or the man your own heart seems to be touched by." Kaizo says.
"Then she'd be betraying her own cousin." Thimos says. "Mora...she..."
"Thimos." Rondar says. "Be silent. it is not your place to speak on that." He says, betraying his own awareness of such things.
"Touching...but it is not much of a problem. There must always be a loser in such things. No group is ever fully content. Why else do nations fall? Why else does war and crime exist?" Kaizo says. "Make your choice now."
"Stop it, stop putting so much pressure on her." Elias yells.
"She put herself there, I'm only playing Devil's advocate." Kaizo says.
"Thimos...you idiot." Aikia hisses.
"You scold me for being reckless." Saida says. "It seems I am in good company."
"Indeed, simple, but distasteful." Cornelius stops. "There is another option. We...we return. They won't be expecting it. I still have a bad feeling and those always come true. This isn't over."
"You do not seek revenge?" Argus asks. "Why? Did he not betray you when you needed him the most?"
"I won't." Adona tells Gaz. "I would ask for more information but not here..." She motions Paitus to follow. "All men to standby."
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 20:24:12 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 15, 2011 20:24:12 GMT -5
Vanora was taken slightly aback by Kaizo. "You're....wrong. We can make this work. Everyone will be happy if they are open minded." she says. The necklace Caedmon had put on her glistened lightly as it held in magic.
Daito sighs and rolls his eyes.
"What?" Loruel asks him in a hushed and annoyed voice.
"Our sister has a worse issue than mother she wants everyone happy. Which is impossible of course." Daito sighs "Why do the women in our family doom themselves to sorrow...."
Luca walks over to Vanora "They could leave. Say someone helped them escape...Gamuldar, that's something you would do. Give sissy time to think and plan."
"Ehhh. won't do much good, Ildor's on his way..." Ammon mutters.
"Hmm?" Airou asks
Caed smiles, his actions seeming to have made everyone happy.
"Hmm? True...not the entire army just us of course....yes...Lord Vortigern can handle the others himself....I'm for it. Let's go." Dred says
Lakyri smiles "That would make me feel much better..."
"Yes but...out of pain because we betrayed him....what he has had to live with....my heart aches for him....I let him kill me, I knew it would bring him closure because to be loyal to his friend all traitors had to be dealt with." Shaylin says. "I wish him no more pain..."
Paitus bows again and follows with a pleasant smile on his face.
Gaz teleports out in a pop.
Part 2
Nov 15, 2011 21:52:47 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Nov 15, 2011 21:52:47 GMT -5
"What is he doing here?" Vadris' eyes widen. "Damn it..." He then looks at Vanora, panicked. "I have no choice now. Forgive me...and take them down."
"Well let's go tell...oh crap..." Argus turns to see that all others had left the room.
Before the remaining Four Hell's Force could act a blast of energy strikes in their midst.
"I am afraid I am to blame Murderer. Everyone was tearing into you and surely...I couldn't miss out on telling them all on you poisoning my Father."
"DAGREN?" Rondar was shocked.
"Don't be so surprised Nephew. Ildor is no match for my cunning." Dagren hovers over them. "Princess Vanora of the Kingdom of humans...you are quit the woman. I've watched this fight from the get go and never did I think I'd see such kindness and understanding." Dagren's smiles turns into a scowl. "You're an idiot. Your so called brothers are betraying you before you even know them. Paitus is making an alliance with Ildor's wife as we speak, seeking to side with Vadris. I presume for...similar reasons. They miss Mommy."
"What?" Elias looks at Loruel. "Is that true?"
"Father...leave the welcome wagon to me." Sabrel says as he vanishes.
"Hmm? Oh...yes...can't make this easy on him now. The traitor must be made to suffer." Dagren says. "Good luck Boy."
"He just blurted out Mora's feellings for Rondar." Aikia sighs.
Saida looks at them uncomfortably a moment. "This will take getting used to."
"Why do you want Vadris dead?" Dahak asks.
"Killed , raped and pillaged my home town, leaving me alone. Lied and said we were traitors when we simply could not help to feed all of his demons as they came back from some mission..." Saida says.
"Hmm..." Dahak thinks. "I see, that's justifiable."
"Corny, why so rebellious?" Phillipe asks.
"Extreme situations need extreme answers." Cornelius says.
"Is there anything we can do from here?" Argus asks Shaylin.
"Though i will warn you. Betrayal doesn't go over well with us." Adona says. "Your one warning."
Part 2
Nov 16, 2011 0:16:49 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Nov 16, 2011 0:16:49 GMT -5
Daito smirks "Is that true?" he mocks
Loruel holds up a hand to silence him and then looks at Elias "When did we once say we were 'on your side'? You knew from the begining we have business with Vadris."
Vito glares "Loruel! I knew it!"
"If you really cared for mother you'd want that wall destroyed, and mother's power returned to her." he snaps "And sister...you can't teach her to use her powers. No, she needs to be with us. You don't have her best interests at heart."
Luca stands next to a dumbstruck Vanora. He places a hand on her and glares at Dagren "Don't you DARE insult our sister!" he shouts in an uncharacteristically loud voice, so it didn't really sound like him at all.
Mora was quiet, surprised that Thimos had said that.
Ammon frowns "Shoot...didn't want to pull out the trump card so soon....but if I have to..."
"That's what I thought..." Airou sighs "Things are getting bad....shall we?"
Gaz re-appears and hands Melgath a letter "Freshy written."
"We saw him on the way here. Said he was hiking, and seemed as if he searched for something." Sonya says, approaching them.
"I'm am very satisfied with Niodai. And I am doing well." Sonya says "Melgath, I hate to cut right to business, but Lord Osiron insists this is urgent. Your men will have caught a beautiful young woman with long black hair, very soft face and regal presence."
"You have not sold her correct? There was a horrible mix up, she is nobility. He was petitioned for aid by an ally of her's." she says
"Well let's not dawddle..." Dred says, already with his horse facing the other direction.
"No...not from here..." Shaylin sighs "Not within my power..."
"Of course." Paitus nods "I assure you you will not need to worry yourself with that from us."