Post by Inkshade on Dec 15, 2011 20:03:54 GMT -5
Angela nods, not looking happy about it though.
Latalia looks shocked.
"Come on everyone, you heard the Viceroy." Schedar says
Jaxin nods "Come along Adris."
Adris nods to his father. "Why would he send us out...he'll be vulnerable...these people are clearly more than willing to attack him." he thinks.
Post by Dynamax on Dec 15, 2011 20:31:21 GMT -5
"Nothing will happen to him." Thaddeus says. "You have my word Angela."
Post by Inkshade on Dec 15, 2011 20:50:24 GMT -5
Angela looks at Thaddeus "You best keep your word."
Nero doesn't seem too upset to leave.
Post by Dynamax on Dec 15, 2011 21:12:31 GMT -5
"So long as I am not forced to defend myself or others I will." Thaddeus says.
Post by aura on Dec 15, 2011 22:11:44 GMT -5
Desiderius waited until the group was alone, before he sighed.
"You must understand the worlds I belong to now...one of a Tektallian Prince, and that of the Arcadisian Viceroy..." Desiderius looked down a moment before collecting his thoughts and continuing.
"I did not run or hid, nor did I fake my death. everything that I have done up to this moment has been a plan. Not my plan, but one of our Late Father and Mother. They saw this war was going to end badly, and sought to keep their nation and their children safe. Knowing I was next in line they conveyed on me this plan: I would keep our nation alive! I...I have done all of this for you, my family. Do you think I want to be burdened like this? No. But it is my duty...As Father told me in the waning days of the war...I'm sorry...I...I did this to help you...You were in no danger. If found by the Empire, I would have protected you... I'm just trying to keep our nation intact...From the start i have done this for my country, and my family."
Desiderius spoke before the group. He was not the most articulate, some emotion was showing through, but he tried to keep professional.
Post by Dynamax on Dec 15, 2011 22:17:43 GMT -5
"Des..." Danielle felt bad.
"But that doesn't explain how you were seen dying. If it wasn't you then it was the Emperor. He obviously doesn't seem to care as much." Thaddeus says. "Of us...or Relena." He looks back at the door. "Not once was she brought up yet you knew we took her. Was she abandoned?"
Post by aura on Dec 15, 2011 22:38:11 GMT -5
"To be honest I have no idea about my 'death' either...It seems odd. I believe it may be soem sort of trick to drive us apart...As for Relena we have had a few reports, and have sent out troops to locate her..." Desiderius spoke.
Post by Dynamax on Dec 15, 2011 22:53:24 GMT -5
"That kind of thing doesn't seem like it'd be Scorpio's doing. She seemed to want us to know it was her in all of her acts." Thaddeus says. "No would it be the style of the SPSRL's, too complicated for them. So if not you, nor us then who?"
Post by Inkshade on Dec 15, 2011 23:01:35 GMT -5
Auralily listens quietly, holding in tears for what Desiderius had gone through to protect them.
Post by aura on Dec 15, 2011 23:03:39 GMT -5
Desiderius shrugged." Perhaps there is a force out there beyond us...there are many anarchists that would love to see the government crumble with rumors of death...Honestly, If I had not found you, there could have been any number of political feuds to arrise. With your help I can help solidify Tektallium as a seperate entity from Arcadis...I need all of your help..." Desiderius spoke with a noble tone.
Post by Dynamax on Dec 15, 2011 23:09:07 GMT -5
"It's funny though. Relena said when she saw you at first...you and the Emperor were close. Like old friends she put it. My Lady is young but her eyes have seen more than any fourteen year old ever should have. Tell me...what do you intend to do to prove...you're not with the Empire itself now?" Thaddeus says.
"Thaddeus, you're going a bit far I think." Ian says.
"I should think not. I am a brother not tied to the throne by blood but by law. Furthermore he is as new to me as the others, I have no emotional ties to be compromised. I am impartial, as a son of both nations should be and thus can think with better clarity. Before we go further...I demand Donato here, freed and returned to us as a sign of trust. With escorts from both sides. Or...is that a problem?" Thaddeus says.
Post by aura on Dec 15, 2011 23:26:26 GMT -5
Desiderius smirked. "That sounds perfectly reasonable, Thaddeus. I will have Schedar get Donato as soon as possible. He will be reunited with all of us soon enough..." Desiderius said with slight sadness.
"I just hope we can all convince him I am honest and am the real Desiderius." Des spoke again.
The Viceroy sighed a heavy sigh.
"I suppose if their is nothing else, I shall let the Arcadisians return..." Desiderius said.
Post by Dynamax on Dec 15, 2011 23:37:21 GMT -5
"There is nothing else for now." Danielle says. "But if you've messed with him Des..."
"You said that before." Thaddeus says. "He knows."
Post by aura on Dec 15, 2011 23:41:52 GMT -5
Des smirked slightly."The only messing I did was a slight hit. I did mention he tried to attack me correct?" Desiderius said with a slight smile.
"I would do nothing to hurt my brothers...I only have him and James...And James has yet to even contact me...." Des said frowning.
Post by Inkshade on Dec 15, 2011 23:48:32 GMT -5
"I'm sure James will show up...he has to." Auralily says, trying to comfort her brother