Aug 17, 2011 17:20:37 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Aug 17, 2011 17:20:37 GMT -5
"Ok. But if you can ever...I am here." Goltenga says.
Aug 17, 2011 18:56:45 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Aug 17, 2011 18:56:45 GMT -5
Sairca nods. he eyes Akilah; she was a threat. Being so sophisticated made him wonder how much pre-installed data she had. she seemed to still be taking in and adjusting to things still, but he wondered how long it would last. Not to mention even he had thought she was human. if there was one of her, there would soon be more, and frankly to him one SPSRL that looked perfectly human was insulting enough.
Lenny looks at Technik "So...how long until she is used to stuff?" he asks
Aug 17, 2011 22:04:46 GMT -5
Post by outerlimits on Aug 17, 2011 22:04:46 GMT -5
"It's not really 'getting used to stuff'. Other than what information I already gave her, she's just like any other sentient being and needs to learn from experience.," Technik replies. "You know, I am here. You could just ask me.," Akilah says, getting slightly irritated that no one was asking her questions about herself.
Aug 17, 2011 22:11:38 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Aug 17, 2011 22:11:38 GMT -5
"What does it feel like?" Goltenga asks curiously. "To be more human I mean. I mean...I wonder if they'll hate you less than me?" He says. "I mean i was always called a stupid machine when I said the things I say, and these people have been nice about it but...most people i know just think I'm useless." He hangs his head a bit. "They scare me sometimes."
Aug 17, 2011 22:20:19 GMT -5
Post by outerlimits on Aug 17, 2011 22:20:19 GMT -5
"I...I wouldn't know. I suppose it feels...the same? I've only ever been like I am now and only ever been around other SPSRL.," Akilah replies warily to Goltenga's question. "Though from how it seems now it would seem humans are not so...keen on my appearance once they know what I am."
Aug 17, 2011 22:22:49 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Aug 17, 2011 22:22:49 GMT -5
"I wouldn't say that." Lio says "Not so absolutely anyways. There are some humans who mind, and others who don't. And that's only result of where you grew up." Lio explains
Aug 18, 2011 21:34:26 GMT -5
Post by aura on Aug 18, 2011 21:34:26 GMT -5
Arcke did not speak much as he took in everything. It was only now that he began to speak.
"Everything is very impressive..to say the least...what do you think Jack?...Jack?"
Arcke looked around slightly. Jack was far at the back of the group. He did not seem to keep up, and instead was looking around at the landscape.
"Jack!" Arcke yelled back. Members of the group looked back at him as well.
Jack smiled at the sky. It was clear enough and it was pleasant weather.
"Ahhhh.....Hmm?" Jack looked down at the group."Sorry...am I doing something wrong?"
"No...its just...." Arcke spoke softy.
"Odd?" Another member of the group spoke.
"Sorry...its just so lovely out...its almost...peaceful....so nice...and beautiful scenery." Jack smiled softly at the group.
"Anyway." Jack used his powers slightly. As he jumped the force exerted sent him flying into the air, toward the front of the group. However he landed like a leaf. It took a moment for him to get back to the front of the group.
"Well let us head forth!" Jack spoke like a leader.
Arcke looked completely confused as did many members of the group. Jack wasn't exactly being himself.
Aug 19, 2011 8:26:02 GMT -5
Post by outerlimits on Aug 19, 2011 8:26:02 GMT -5
"Perhaps, but most humans I meet will most likely have some problem with my design.," Akilah replies. "It is inevitable." "That 'Jack' person seems rather...odd.," Technik comments to Lio, eyeing his behaviors curiously.
Aug 19, 2011 11:34:08 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Aug 19, 2011 11:34:08 GMT -5
"He's acting odd. I mean granted, we're all a little off. He seems either very happy...or a nervous wreck. I can only assume he's nervous about meeting royalty. See, he lived on the streets before meeting Jack. So, it's like opposite ends of the social spectrum." Lio says "That or dealing with us has finally made him psychotic..."
Aug 19, 2011 15:18:55 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Aug 19, 2011 15:18:55 GMT -5
"Why is dealing with Royalty odd for humans?" Goltenga asked. "I worked for the Countess Relena and she's talked about them like theyw ere normal, though she talks a lot about the Prince. Or are other kings and such different?"
Aug 19, 2011 15:34:26 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Aug 19, 2011 15:34:26 GMT -5
"The people of Tektallium loved their royal family. They were kind and good rulers." Sairca says "The people were happy with them. Arcadis is different, the people love their royalty, but it's more like worship than genuine love." he explains
Aug 19, 2011 15:44:30 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Aug 19, 2011 15:44:30 GMT -5
"Really? The Master seems like he honestly cares about the King and Queen, than and he's sworn to protect the Prince with his life as the Countess loves him like a brother." Goltenga says about Thaddeus. "He cares for her like a sister too."
Aug 19, 2011 16:14:48 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Aug 19, 2011 16:14:48 GMT -5
"Well that's the nobility and those close to them. I supose the people of Arcadis might genuinely love their rulers...but it's different." Sairca says quietly
Aug 19, 2011 16:55:16 GMT -5
Post by Dynamax on Aug 19, 2011 16:55:16 GMT -5
"I guess I don't get it then." Goltenga says. "I wish I could. It's confusing."
"As confusing as seeing you here with the rebels."
The two hooded people who were outside of Sectora's capitol now stood in the way of the Group.
"This is quite the motley crew you have with you Arcke." The young man pulls off his hood.
"It's Niles Gilgamesh!!!" Goltenga exclaims.
"That's not my name you blasted Arcadian bucket of bolts." Nigel Guildenstern stood before them.
The taller person pulls off her hood. "Nigel, calm yourself please." The woman bows. "Forgive him, we have been trying to find you for some time and he recognizes your large friend from a encounter with Arcadian troops."
"You're not going to punch me in the face again?" Goltenga steps back.
"Depends on your role here." Nigel says.
Aug 19, 2011 19:16:01 GMT -5
Post by Inkshade on Aug 19, 2011 19:16:01 GMT -5
Sairca steps in front of Goltenga "He's with me." he says, speaking louder, but he sounded like it strained his voice.
Lio frowns "Mate, I think you're getting ill...you sound like death."