Post by Inkshade on Feb 28, 2012 15:37:26 GMT -5
"It wasss interesssting." Sireth says "I remember hearing of sssuch ritualsss assss a child, it wasss nicssse to get to view one."
"Yeah, I'm never one for quiet meditation either. Not as much as the other elves anyways." Navu smiles.
Post by Dynamax on Mar 1, 2012 2:12:24 GMT -5
"Well next time join in. You're allowed to be a person to Sireth." Allarine says.
"How did you spend your time Allarine?" Noctis asks.
"I was....crying." Alalrine goes sullen as she says that.
"Why would...wait...is it because of...Burai?" Noctis asks.
"Well thisss isss more me being ssselfish and wanting to be near you for a while more before we fight." Bazuzu says as he walks up to her. "You haven't left my thoughtsss, thought you have left my sssight."
Post by Inkshade on Mar 1, 2012 9:46:11 GMT -5
Sireth walks over to Allarine and puts his hands on her shoulders "Worry not little one. We will do everything in our power to ssssave him. We have opened doorsss to powerful alliesss. There hass to be an anssswer. You mussst be ssstrong for him though. He isss one of many we musst liberate." he says to try and comfort her.
"Once this fighting is over, I'll never have to even to that." Navu says and hugs him, resting her head on him. she smiles "Funny, that I can achieve the serenity that we seek by meditation simply by holding you..."
Post by Dynamax on Mar 1, 2012 9:52:13 GMT -5
"But we're likely going to have to fight him at this rate." Allarine says. "And he's not going to be able to pull his punches."
"So we don't do the same. We can fight full force and still aim for capture." Noctis says. If he's fused with a demon he's now harder to kill. Make it easier for us, our restrained attacks can be a bit harder than normal."
Bazuzu says, wrapping his arms and tail around her. "And my blood can feel the will to fight by sssimply being in your presssenssse." He smiles. "It ssseemsss we're each other'sss motivation."
Post by Inkshade on Mar 1, 2012 11:09:03 GMT -5
"He'sss right. He won't hold back, but he can ssstill be sssaved. You need to be ssstrong enough to sssave him iss all." Sireth says
Navu smiles up at him "Well that's the way it's suposed to be when you're in love. so I guess we're well off."
Post by Dynamax on Mar 1, 2012 11:15:32 GMT -5
"You're both right of course." Allarine smiles. "Thanks you two."
"Anytime." Noctis says seconds before being hugged by Winoi.
"My love is such a sweetie." Winoi says.
Noctis smiles. "Not as much as you."
"A pity, I wouldn't have minded having the time for a more...persssonal ritual." Bazuzu says, smiling. "My...you're really bringing the boy back out of me." He says with a laugh.
Post by Inkshade on Mar 1, 2012 16:27:07 GMT -5
Sireth smiles and nods to her "Of courssse."
Navu smiles and laughs "Good! I like it."
Post by Dynamax on Mar 1, 2012 18:10:05 GMT -5
"So what do we do about Melgeth himself?" Noctis asks. "We're not butchers...but he needs to be stopped."
"Asss do I, essspecially like thisss." Bazuzu says. "You and me, alone in the wild. I pray our daysss will be like thisss onssse the fighting endsss."
Post by Inkshade on Mar 1, 2012 19:17:51 GMT -5
"Hmm...To kill him right out isss barbaric. But hissss crimesss are great. We should capture him if possssible, ssso we can hold a trial. If that isss imposssible, then he mussst pay for hisss crimesss." Sireth says
"They will, I'll make sure of it." Navu smiles
Post by Dynamax on Mar 1, 2012 19:47:59 GMT -5
"Good, that was a concern I thought of last night while Winoi and I talked." Noctis says.
"We both will." Bazuzu says. "We're in thisss together after all."
Post by Inkshade on Mar 1, 2012 23:18:30 GMT -5
"It'sss a good point. Though, I don't think he will sssurvive for a trial if we get him. He isss resssponsssible for ssso much sssuffering. Sssome will try to kill him outright. And though we mussst try to be csssivil...It'sss not going to be easssy." Sireth says "Hmm, Avynne hasssn't returned from the ritesss. She iss ssupossed to be infultrating assss a demon correct? Or did she opt out?" he asks
"That we are." Navu smiles and leans into him again "I wish we had more time before the attack. Though I supose it's for the best that we don't, because if we spent the time doing what I want to I'd be all sore..." she looks up at him and smiles playfully.
Post by Dynamax on Mar 2, 2012 13:19:42 GMT -5
"Give her time to get ready. She's getting in touch with her Gelgath roots. She's had less chances than you after all." Allarine says.
"Well...i wouldn't mind ssseeing what we could fit into sssuch time." Bazuzu says.
Post by Inkshade on Mar 2, 2012 14:35:14 GMT -5
"Acctually, from what I undersstand, he father taught her quite a bit." Sireth says.
Navu smiles "Me neither." she grins "Did I show you my room?" she asks
Post by Dynamax on Mar 2, 2012 19:04:18 GMT -5
"I meant more doing than knowing, y'know?" Allarine says. "Girl needs to let her hair down some times."
"I have not unfortunately." Bazuzu grins.
Post by Inkshade on Mar 2, 2012 22:25:34 GMT -5
"Ha! It'sss funny becaussse I wear my hair up." Avynne says in a sarcastic, yet still friendly, tone as she enters the room.
"There you are." Sireth smiles "How did you like the sssseremony?"
"They were fantasstic!" she grins "It sssucksss I have to leave them to make myssself look demony." she sighs.
"Well, then I must change that. You need to know where to find me at night." Navu smirks and takes his hand. "Follow me handsome."