Post by Inkshade on Jul 27, 2010 16:27:17 GMT -5
Wight looks up at Manny with curiousity. this person seemed friendly, and there was something about him that seemed familiar. He...reminds me of that one unmarked transmogrify-er...the bear guy....what was his name.... he thinks to himself as he slithers up Manny's arm and around his neck. he hangs there loosly like a scarf, a far more comfortable position.
Evalyn looks out her window and sees Manny with a snake around his neck "He didn't...." she walks to the front door and opens it "You seriously got one?" she laughs "I can't believe you were serious! You can't even feed yourself and you got a snake?" she shakes her head and slips on some sandals before running out to join him "What is it albino or something?" she laughs looking at it "You should totally name it after one of the guys in White Snake." she laughs.
Wight watches the new girl I can't be home....everyone here dresses so weirdly...
"Why is it starting at me like that?...If it bites me...." Evalyn steps back.
Post by CrystalPrison on Jul 27, 2010 16:39:53 GMT -5
Manny grinned at her, "Of course I got him, I mean look't him, he's a beast! And I can too feed him! Mice galore!" He waved a hand dismissively at her concerns, "An don't worry, he didn't bite me. An we're pretty sure he's not poisonous." ---- Ashlynn had led Ianto through the town and to Leena's antique shop. "Here you are, have fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got business to do."
Post by Inkshade on Jul 27, 2010 16:54:41 GMT -5
"Prety sure?" Evalyn rolls her eyes "Does he have fangs, or ridges? It's a pretty good way to tell."
Wight yawns, for someone who's been asleep for who knows how long, he was slightly sleepy.
"Looks like ridges, must be a mutant ball python or something." she laughs "You would get the mutant yawning snake."
Post by MSangre on Jul 27, 2010 16:54:46 GMT -5
Ianto nodded, wishing her well with her buisness as he walked into the shop. "Leeeena....where aaaare you?" he asked, smiling as he meandered through the small shop... "I know you're in here Leeeena... You can't hide from me." After looking around quickly he changed into his occelot form and continued to walk through the isles of the shop. Eyeing up a nice looking gun as he went.
Shyam sighed as he waited for his computer to load and send the email... 'Where is my damn coffee...?!?!'
Post by CrystalPrison on Jul 27, 2010 17:00:49 GMT -5
Manny shrugged easily, "Blame the pet store dude." He chuckled, "And he's not a mutant! He's unique, like me! He's my brutha!" ---- Leena frowned, she'd just opened the shop and went into back room to check on everything when she'd heard her name called. Her frowned deepened when she saw an ocelot, an animal that wouldn't have been able to open the door on it's own. This early and something else happens. Of course. "I'm right here, and you may as well go back to normal." She didn't know who it was, but she didn't quite need to either.
Post by MSangre on Jul 27, 2010 17:05:07 GMT -5
Ianto purred insistantly as he pranced over towards her, transforming back just as he reach her. "Well, there you are... Gods you got old..." he said with a slight frown. "I mean, i havn;t seen you for what? Twenty years?"
((OOC- u saw that ur phones at my house right?)))
Post by CrystalPrison on Jul 27, 2010 17:10:59 GMT -5
((Yep, but moms out of it, so I can't come get it...so....just disable my alarms and ignore messages unless mom feels the desire to come drop it off.))
Leena frowned, it took her several moments to remember the man, but when she did, she rolled her eyes. "Just about," She agreed dryly, "But I'm hardly old. And hate to break it to you, but most people change." She didn't know just what his power was, but she knew it was something based on appearance or age, the man hadn't changed since the pictures he'd taken with her parents years and years ago.
Post by MSangre on Jul 27, 2010 17:17:26 GMT -5
Ianto shrugged uncaringly... "Yes, most people change. Some however, don't. So Leena, what's been going on. I was, in town getting a snack then i was catnapped and warned about exposing secerates... and now i get to see you. So, what have i missed in the past twenty odd years... family wise? Are you still close to your brother?... Your parents still around? Havn't heard from people around here in ages..." Going back to the shelf with the gun stashed on it he picked it up carefully...checking to see if it was loaded and what sort of condition it was in...
Shyam sighed happily as it finally loaded and sent the message. 'Soon, i shall hopefully get answers.'
Post by Inkshade on Jul 27, 2010 17:23:34 GMT -5
Evalyn laughs "Brother huh? I'm no biologist but, I'm pretty sure snakes and bears aren't even cousins."
Wight watches them Something's funny....she's laughing....I wanna' know...cursed language barrier...
----------- ((OOC: I'm using blue for wolf speak. for now anyways.))
Cassius circles some trees. he stops as another wolf appears through the bushes. he growls at him and transforms back into a human to scare it.
Keith marvels at him and responds by transforming himself.
the two stare at each other. "So, you are one of my desendents? There is resmblence..." Cassius says, breaking the silence.
Keith sighs "I...don't understand." they stare at each other some more, and then both silently agree to turn back into wolves, so they could communicate. "I'm glad to see that the seal has broken. My name is Keith Lycanson, your...I'm not sure how many greats-grandson."
"That so? I take it you freed us then?"
"Yes, I did. The snake ran off." he adds
Cassius rolls his eyes "Damn Wight. That booy can never do anything right!
Post by Noble 6 on Jul 27, 2010 17:27:01 GMT -5
Chris hopped off the treadmill he'd been running on for the last half hour and took off his Ipod touch. He smiled when he tasted his RedBull. "Alright... time to get going." He walked out into the Gym parkinglot. His cell rang, but he just let it ring. He looked around and saw two guys in the lot with him. He waved.
Post by CrystalPrison on Jul 27, 2010 17:29:32 GMT -5
Leena rolled her eyes, "Nothing in the town has changed to much. My brother however, has. He's aligning himself with the Marked if they rise in our life time." She replied, "We haven't spoken since just after you last left. My parents died a few years back though." She sighed lightly, "And then town's been peaceful, mostly. A few of the newer generation live here, as I'm sure you've noticed. They mostly stay out of trouble, but I can't help but wonder if it's a warning that the seal will break soon." ------ Tayana was glad when she finally reached the wolves, she didn't recognize one of them, but the other, she knew well. 'Well, well, look who's back too. --- Manny laughed at Evalyn's comment, "Well then, he's my brutha from another mother." He replied, "You can't deny the awesome."
Post by MSangre on Jul 27, 2010 17:35:35 GMT -5
Ianto put the gun down and nodded respectfully... "I am sorry to hear about your parents. They were good people...it is too bad i did not come back sooner. And sadly i am not surprised about your brother...you were always the brighter of the two..." with that said his cell started buzzing but he ignored it. "So you are really concerned about the seal breaking? On of the younger generation mentioned a bad feeling...i just thought it was PMS or something of the sort. She was the one to cat nap me..." he said thoughtfully...
((OOC- gonna come drop off your phone...then go places sadly...meh....))
Post by Inkshade on Jul 27, 2010 17:37:30 GMT -5
Cassius sees her and reverts back to a human with his arms wide open "Tayana! You are the first to arrive. Ignore the boy, he is my grandson appearantly. He released us. I only know this because we can talk as wolves, other than that they speak a strange language here."
Keith reverts as well and stands back to let them talk.
Evalyn laughs "Only you can still say that and it's funny. well, his 'otha motha' is a reaaaaally other mother!" she sighs "You still up for hang'n at the park today?" she asks
Post by CrystalPrison on Jul 27, 2010 17:55:26 GMT -5
Tayana shifted to her human form as well, "Good, I'm glad at least one of us have kin that is of use. The rest of us shall suffer until something changes." She sighed, "And of course the others would be slow. They're probably to busy enjoying our freedom to finish what we started immediately." ------ Leena smiled lightly, "They lived long lives an went in peace." She replied, "But yes, I do worry about the seal breaking. There are several children in this town alone that have unlocked their abilities. There is a good chance more will, and I believe it may be a sign of sorts. To make it better a statue was stolen today, only it was merely old, I don't believe it was connected to royalty. And it was an animal." -------------------- Manuel grinned, "Of course, like I'd say no to spendin' time with ya."
Post by MSangre on Jul 27, 2010 18:40:37 GMT -5
Ianto blinked... "Statue huh?Of what? Never discount old artifacts Leena..." His cell began buzzing again and he blatantly ignored it... "How many are there that have unlocked their abilities, you said some...are they all unmarked?...because if the unmarked can revert back to their powers those who are marked might as well..."
Shyam groaned and took a sip of his coffee, he had waited a good twenty minutes before checking his email and still nothing. Deciding on sending another along the same lines he hope the man would reply...